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>> No.2896262 [View]
File: 628 KB, 1036x764, Techpriest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us.
From the lies of the Antipath, circuit preserve us.
From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us.
From the temptations of the Fleshlord, silica cleanse us.
From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us.
From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free.

There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal.
There is no strength in flesh, only weakness.
There is no constancy in flesh, only decay.
There is no certainty in flesh but death.

Cast away the flesh!
Escape the prison of meat!
Find freedom in the holy purity of the machine!

>> No.2859668 [View]
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We will purge them in the name of the machine god.

>> No.2852279 [View]
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>implying it was Yahweh, and not the machine goddess, that gave us boolean algebra and semiconductors

>> No.2699320 [View]
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Sorry, but I'm a trans-human fascist who eats through a tube.

>> No.2673291 [View]
File: 628 KB, 1036x764, mechanicus5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lack of faith in the Machine God disturbs me.

>> No.2470614 [View]
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>those who enjoy existence are more likely to succeed
Lex Luthor: WRONG!

That enjoyment just reinforces behaviors that help you survive. Love, hate, greed: they all only useful when they are reinforcing behaviors that help you survive and propagate. You could completely remove pleasure and enjoyment all together and replace them with in built in and undeniable interest in surviving and propagationa and get a more efficient organism.

Instead of doing everything in such a round about fashion and trying to influence behavior through enjoyment you could just program in the need to survive and reproduce. Essentially removing the pleasure/pain reinforcement with a unalterable command.

Instead of "I eat because I feel hungry and this tastes good," it's "I eat because I determined this food contained the materials I needed at the moment and it could be digested and metabolized to make ATP."

Instead of "I hate sex because it feels good," you get "I fused my gamete with their gamete because I determined the resulting organism would be valid and I must reproduce."

Get rid of all that excess crap that can encourage time wasting behaviors. Pleasure and pain are meaningless, only the outcome matters.

And organisms that act in such a cold hearted manner will out-compete pleasure seeking weaklings.

"You may say, it is impossible for a man to become like the Machine. And I would reply, that only the smallest mind strives to comprehend its limits."

>> No.2361249 [View]
File: 628 KB, 1036x764, mechanicus5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well even and artificial lifeform is still subject to environmental selection. That is to say that artificial intelligences that don't reproduce they will eventually wear out, be broken by accident, or be outcompeted by those that do. So if we become more mechanical we should hardwire in self preservation and reproductive compulsions. But pleasure is not needed. Liking something is not needed to make you do it, only the undeniable compulsion is needed.

>> No.1781362 [View]
File: 628 KB, 1036x764, mechanicus5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well even suposing the exitence of the supernatural, if your a follower of an Abrahamic sect then there is pretty much a mandate to alter the human race into the phycially powerful entities possible at any given time. And to conquer everything that can be conquered and press it into the service of man. So long as your not a faggy neopagan or something, man is the measure of all things secular and spirtual. We're the measure because we hold the measuring stick and anybody doesn't like it, be bash'em over the head with the same stick.

Glory to Man and his Gods, grind the insects into dust beneath our iron boots!

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