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>> No.2699273 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because devoutly religious people tend to take Genesis 1:28 seriously. "Go forth, be fruitful, and multiply."

Technically there is an objective reason to do that as well. Outcompete competitors. We really should try to get around 200 billion humans in the next 1,000 years so that we can completely crush this planet underfoot and begin our transition to an interstellar species.

And before you bitch about sustainability. There is still a 78 year supply of cheap oil(cheap meaning able to produce gasoline for less then 4.10 2001USD/gallon assuming a 5% increase in demand compounded yearly) based on known recoverable reserves. But even after the exhaustion of all hydrocarbon resources it would still be possible to make hydrogen to fuel internal combustion engines(methane engines are in common use today) using electrolysis. The only thing humanity really needs to continue industrial production is electricity. With enough electricity many things that are not currently economically viable become possible. And with nuclear breeder reactors U238 and Thorium can be breed into the nuclear fuels Pu239 and U237 respectfully. This will provide sufficient electrical generation capacity, assuming a 8.5% increase in the consumption of electricity compounded yearly for population of 10 billion for at least 30,000 years. Supplementing this with solar, wind, and water power will ensure our survival for the foreseeable future. At least until we start living primarily in space.

>> No.2569691 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solve all social and environmental problems

No, I think that would weaken mankind.

I want the biosphere to slowly die and be replaced by human artifice.

And I want aggressive conflict to continue so that our vicious imperialistic attitude is preserved in case of future conflict with intelligent life of non-human origin. In fact I would like us to preventively declare war on all other life in the universe. The stars are the providence of Mankind alone.

Even if someone could magically solve these "problems" with no loss of human life, I would probably murder them in their sleep before they enacted such a foolish and short sighted plan.

> I think the agent in the matrix put it best when he said that far from seeking a balance with our environment, we consume until there is nothing left -i.e. mankind is a virus, or something...

Species that can continuously spread and consume will out-compete those that cannot or will not. Whenever I hear an nonhuman complain about humanity being like plague, I cannot help but think that it is always the way of the weak to deride the strong for their strength.

>> No.2468848 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm thinking that a violent humanity riven by infighting is preferable because I will keep us imperialistic and vicious enough to start the needed space crusade.

>> No.2419443 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity Fuck Yeah!

>> No.2159506 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no solution. Democracy, Anarchy, Facism, Communism, Socialism, and even Capitalism are all failures.

There is one thing we humans do well, and that's fight. We will kill each other and anything else that stands in our way until the stars grow dim, then we will fight some more. The same will be true for our descendants. It's what we are, and what the children of man will always be. It is unavoidable. And more to the point we should never try to change it. It has made us strong, and it will help us stay vicious enough to destroy any and all possible threats to our own species and all it's descendants.

Humanity, it's what we are and it's what we lack.

>> No.1733644 [View]
File: 604 KB, 613x793, HumanEmpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, yeah right. No matter how many resources we acquire or wonders we make there will always be war, poverty, crime, and random violence. And there should be, it is what keeps humanity strong and vicious. If someone found way to make a utopia or even just eliminate hunger(protip: we have enough for 11 billion now but it not viable to just give all the food away) I would kill them and hide whatever innovation they created. Peace through love will be the death of or species, peace enforced by everyone holding guns to everyone else's heads will keep us alive and strong.

Of course if we could drive humanity to wage war on nature and prepare for war against aliens which in all likely hood do not exist, then that would prevent a shooting war while keeping our imperialistic and militaristic footing.

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