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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15456904 [View]
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I mean what else do you expect them to do? Pay billions of dollars making ad for people NOT to use their product? What are you. the federal government?

>He will despise every other phony scientific claim backed by government stooges except the one that these same phony scientists and government stooges hate and try to oppress
Why have a name? Jannies please get this clown a honking nose.

I too smoke, but alas am not a privileged snob who repeats themselves every sentence using different wording that amounts to a useless post.

>Note 4 and 5 in OP image are termed cigarillos and cigarros, and are often sprayed/treated just the same as cigarettes.
Indeed. Cigars are nor required by law to be sprayed with fire retardant as per government regulations.

>most smoking research does not make a distinction between cigarettes and premium cigars.
Most smoking research was conducted by cigarette companies until the government forced laws like the above and then became legally invested into said research after the bastardization of said product. Oh well, more jobs for Africa and China.

>> No.10714586 [View]
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>Care to explain space without using space or parts of space? Or explain where space comes from?

Why sure. It's horseshit. Another made up reified "place" that doesn't exist. Why don't you tell me what "space" is "made of". Nothing? It's a void vacuum? Ridiculous. It's a filled medium comparable to our atmosphere (just with less shit). It's not a "place" or a phenomena, just like time.

>You're running under the assumption CERN has figured any of this out either.
Then why are they wasting their time perturbing fields and calling them particular bits?

>What, to you, is a dimension, and how does length fall under that but not time.

There is

Dimension: literally to have "dimensionality" or dimensional properties. Manifested, observable, empirical.

"length": A human measurement that's treated as a "dimensional property", despite not being an actual property in existence. It only has meaning when talking about real objects in terms of Cartesian coordinates or other standards of measure. Example:
You can measure the "length" of an orange, that has absolutely nothing to do with what the orange is not how it came to be in reality. Irrelevant unless simplified in terms of quantification.


>Of course it fucking doesn't explain itself it is its own dimension.
You just contradicted yourself, moron.
>something we cannot access physically and affects other shit.
By what means? Itself? Tell me what time fucking does you idiot or shut up. It's not a phenomena, you're saying that the interwoven effects of objects with disparity to other objects is a measurement. What objects "do" is in no way a measurement that is divided into discrete bits, there is no empirical evidence of such nonsense.
>Just refer to spacetime.
Yeah, just refer to fairies and unicorns.
>Also, you asked about motion, you did not ask about the origin of time.
When? Also I never asked of the origin of time, OP did. I explain that it's a measurement here: >>10710443

>> No.10700576 [View]
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>Second of all, most power companies have a tiered service where the first x kwh cost something like 12 cents, the next y cost something like 16 and none of them have more than $20 in fees.

>Fourth, I don't know anyone who has ever paid an electric bill higher than $120 regardless of how many people were living there. Fifth, it is not your heating and air conditioning because ground source heat pumps are several times more efficient than any other heating or cooling technology and brick is a great insulator.

I would argue against your points, but they're all assumptions and most of them are so incorrect that I fail to see how you manage to dress yourself in the morning. You actually believe bricks are a good insulator and that a heatpump doesn't use more electricity in the middle of fucking winter. Also you still are assuming that $400 is my regular bill. It's ONE month out of the year. 1 18000 btu's and 2 12000 btus plus water, lights, computer and microwave. Do the math you dumb bib wearer.

>energy audit

Everytime I hear this term I laugh because I can't believe that people are actually so fucking stupid that they pay others to read the fucking stickers on the appliances they use because they can't do math. I wonder how dumb they feel after getting one of these audit.

>Well sir, we've done this comprehensive study on your house built in the 1950's and we've concluded that you have low insulation and your windows are old! Maybe if you just spend $20,000 fixing that and pay me to tell you what any alcoholic could have told you, you'll save money 5 years down the line.

Clown world.

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