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>> No.11265201 [View]
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I've accepted that this is likely the case. I've accepted that any life extension technology that exists or will exist in my lifetime will likely only prolong my existence for a decade or two at most. I accept that even if I do freeze myself in the hopes that I can be successfully resuscitated decades or centuries later, that the processes of death and vitrification will likely not be satisfactorily reversible and that I will never live again. I also accept that any sort of resuscitation opportunities granted by such a treatment will likely only effectively bring to life someone who identical or near identical to myself, but still is not me, and that I will still be dead regardless. On top of all of this I accept that even if these technologies to manage to extend my life significantly, that I will likely die from some accident or cataclysm. Even if I don't die from an accident or cataclysm and if I live longer than I could possibly imagine I accept that I will likely be driven mad by the spans of time that I will pass by, which will likely result in the total erasure of my ego and in my physical death by psychosis induced suicide. I also accept that even if I manage to avoid all of these fates, that the heat death of the universe looms and that it is unlikely that I will live to see even a third of the universe's lifespan before it becomes completely unsuitable for life and as such that my existence would become energetically unsustainable.

None of these realities change the fact that I'm going to do everything in my power to try to live forever. The flesh is weak against the gravest of time, but the struggle against it is noble and true regardless.

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