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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5575318 [View]
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blind asians tongue dinosaurs


busty asians take dick

your choice sir

>shit nigger was that so hard

>> No.3951397 [DELETED]  [View]
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/sci/'s homework help philosophies:

Low level Mathematics (college algebra, trig, etc.):
Trivial. Genuinely does not want to be bothered to do it.

Mid Level Mathematics (Calculus primarily):
>Well okay, I guess I can begrudgingly help...
Looks at this as an opportunity to show off their "awesome" maths skills. Will pretend to be annoyed, but actually quite excited about getting to do something.

High Level Mathematics (Analysis, Topology, etc.):
Most people on /sci/ genuinely do not understand this level of mathematics, so instead of admitting it, they will just tell the OP to do their own damn work so that they do not have to face their limited mathematical knowledge.

>> No.3834537 [View]
File: 83 KB, 600x805, Dog Suit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legal definition of person is different from the economic meaning of person. Corporations should not pay personal income taxes because that income will be taxed when it is distributed to shareholders as dividends or capital gains. Taxing corporate income in addition to taxing it when it is distributed is double taxation. Double taxation imposes a higher tax on saving income through investment (as opposed to spending it immediately on consumptoin) and also imposes a higher tax on the C corporation organizational form as opposed to S corporations, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, sole proprietorships, and limited liability corporations.

Your links talk about 2002 and 2003, over eight years ago, and do not show how countries compare in corporate tax rates. The US corporate tax rate is extremely high In 2011, it was the 2nd highest in the OECD.

>> No.3831165 [View]
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The role of congress is to make laws. Shouldn't they be mostly lawyers?

>> No.3789415 [View]
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I thought you were claiming that the US has more debt. That is patently false, as my post showed. Why are you posting something about taxes now? Moving the goalposts after your claim has been dis-proven?

>> No.3161204 [View]
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There's pretty much universal consensus among tax economists on ideal tax reform.

1. Eliminate all taxes except for the personal income tax (property tax, corporate income tax, tariffs, etc).

2. Transform the personal income tax into a consumption tax by eliminating all deductions and exemptions and adding a deduction for savings/investment.

3. Adjust progressivity of the personal income tax to taste.

>> No.3135196 [View]
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>Oh, you're still here. Sorry, I thought this thread was about debt incurred for college education, vis a vis financial and hardship investment.

Um, yes?

>in which case I'll re-refer you to:

Do you even understand what that statistic is. That is the balance of trade.
It means the US exports (a lot) more than it imports. It has nothing at all to do with loans for college. Not even a little. I can't believe you cited it here...

>FYI, you've been losing this argument to an American who was educated in an American university.

You cited balance of trade to claim that Americans incur debt for college education. Frankly, the fact that you're from an American university might make me revise my positive opinion of the American universities.

>> No.3022315 [View]
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>but it's quite easy to see how monsanto, with a terminator GM crop, would subsidize then enslave countless third world nations and their 1st world donors.

Forgive me but I must be very stupid. *How* exactly would Monsato "enslave" third world countries? (And why hasn't this happened already anywhere?) Do you think all the non-GM seeds without terminators will just disappear from the country? And even if they magically did, why couldn't the country buy non terminator seeds from somewhere else, or buy GM seeds from somewhere other than Monstato?

When you think a corporation is going to enslave you through an item as cheap and as abundant as normal seeds, and an event like that has never EVER happened before, you need some pretty fucking strong evidence to avoid being a conspiracy theory. Hell, dozens of countries are food importers TODAY. Do you think they are all "enslaved" because they have to buy their food?

>> No.3016059 [View]
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>theoretical models

OK. I'm going to spell things out very slowly and against my better judgement assume you are not trolling. I asked " under what conditions do models show that minimum wages do to create unemployment". "theoretical" is not an answer. *What* theoretical models show that it doesn't create unemployment? What assumptions do they make?

You keep saying that you should compare the theoretical model to the real world to see if it's valid. Fair enough. I have presented statistics on why the labor market for unskilled labor is perfect competition, in which theoretical models show that minimum wages create unemployment. Please tell me what a theoretical model that shows no unemployment from it looks like so we can see how "valid" it is.

>> No.2991989 [View]
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>So you're saying there's a special competition model taught in only some grad programs which don't rest on the assumption of infinite buyers and seller who all buy and sell homogeneous products?

I TA an ECON 101 course and we teach more models than perfect competition (which is what you describe). The models we cover are oligarchy, monopoly, monopsony, monopolistic competition, and perfect competition. Monoposony only has one buyer who can manipulate the market price through his market power. And monopolistic competition has a variety of firms each with slightly differentiated products.

>> No.2946537 [View]
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Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearchr at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, syas it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

>> No.2926626 [View]
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>discretionary budget
>shadow budget

There is no shadow budget, you just don't know the terminology. Discretionary spending is only one part of all government spending. Discretionary spending ignores all state and local spending and all federal spending for entitlements. Federal discretionary spending in 2010 was $1.3 trillion or 38% of total government spending.


Discretionary spending is disproportionally military because Congress has the power to raise or lower military spending every year. However, education spending is handled by states, not the federal government. So very little education spending is part of federal discretionary spending.

>> No.2875706 [View]
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>because there is NO LIBERAL PARTY. There are two conservative parties playing hot potato.

If you think both the democrats and republicans are conservative, promise to vote for the republicans in the next election. If you actually think they're both conservative, you shouldn't care which one you vote for.

Of course, you're not going to. Because you do believe the democrats are liberal. You're just disillusioned because your golden child Obama is actually a corrupt idiot who promised you hope and change, which you foolishly believed.

>> No.2774623 [View]
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OP's quote seems like a bunch of vaguely defined nonsense to me.

If you want to test an economic problem like, whether minimum wages have an effect on employment or investment, you're going to look at data and then use statistical techniques to test for significance. You can't do that without those evil Greek symbols.

>> No.2627314 [View]
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OK, How about France, Italy, and Germany? The US has higher subjective happiness than all those countries. Are they not "a social democracy by European standards"? Similar trends exist for almost all the graphs, the US beats some social democracies and loses to others.

You are disingenuously cherry-picking which social democracies you compare the US with and ignoring the others.

>> No.2597280 [View]
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Whatever makes you sleep easier mate.

>> No.2399273 [View]
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Hey guys I'm an illustrator and I make $5,000 for an hour's work.

Enjoy your 9-5s and responsibility.

>> No.2293481 [View]
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This is now a serious thread. Go back to a religion thread.

>> No.2271512 [View]
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>You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking on such a painfully low level.

Well said sir, well said.

>> No.2037219 [View]
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Trick Question:

How many liters are one kilo, /sci/?

>> No.1851445 [View]
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It is a medical condition. You wouldn't ask the internet how to set a broken bone or treat an STD. Go to a fucking dermatologist.

>> No.1274445 [View]
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>Defense spending spikes in 1942

Yeah you faggots. France needed you.

>> No.1260584 [View]
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>Alpha to integrate

>> No.1205530 [View]
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Just out of curiousity; what makes a person intelligent?

A high IQ, accumulation of knowledge or is it something else?

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