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>> No.11160547 [View]
File: 394 KB, 1976x900, 1515360258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right = 10/10
left = 9/10
mid = 8/10
OP picture is 5/10 (she literally looks like the average)

>> No.10589070 [View]
File: 394 KB, 1976x900, 1515360258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because they all want to look like caucasian women. Media has brainwashed most people around the world that caucasians are the most beautiful people and all races should emulate them.

What happens is that they lose their own unique features and instead look like a bad 4/10 version of caucasian women.

But be completely honest to yourself. Don't you prefer the look of caucasian women yourself as well? If you think the women in my picture are extraordinarily attractive then you have been brainwashed yourself as well and are perpetuating this fad.

Especially if you aren't (completely) white yourself.

>> No.10560092 [View]
File: 394 KB, 1976x900, 1515360258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all the things said here are false.

What women genuinely want is someone that validates them, treat them as their equal and has a good heart. What that means is that you don't have any ulterior motives and that you aren't dragging the mood down with your personal sadness and dissatisfaction.

I personally am short, bald a little chubby and unemployed. Yet I still have a 8/10 girlfriend for the last 4 years that provides for me because we just match that well. She knows I'm a good person at my core and have her best interest in mind as well. Relationships aren't just about spending time with each other. It's a partnership where you are two equals and have to fill up for each other. If my girlfriend gets sick and I have to work I'll be there for her as well. This feeling that I'll always have her back and she'll always have mine is what makes a true bond and forms a true relationship.

All the bullshit you see on 4chan about looks/money or whatever is just some incel justification for why they are alone while setting themselves up as the victim.

In reality the reason the incels are alone is because they don't even try and put 0 effort into anything. Then play victim when no girlfriend materialized out of thin air in their basements.

Think about it like this. Have you even talked to more than 10 unrelated women in your life one-on-one? If you haven't then you haven't even interacted with the opposite sex properly. How do you expect to have a girlfriend or be ready for any relationship when you're that defunct?

>> No.10504153 [View]
File: 394 KB, 1976x900, 1515360258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely don't believe in alpha/beta or the "only top 20% of men" stuff since I myself would probably be classified as a huge beta or possibly even "effeminate gay" since I am a very "homely" person that tries to avoid aggression and just try to be nice to everyone and make everyone feel happy and help everyone. I think the biggest factor in finding someone that fits well with you is by exposure, simple numbers game and by having social circles that include women.

While I am a very passive, shy and introverted person I still try to hang out with people usually because I feel bad for rejecting them this has led to me having a lot of female friends once you come into contact with a lot of women some of them will just fall in love with you. I rejected most of them since I didn't have any feelings back for them until I met my current girlfriend that went to the same university as me. I'm not attractive and I would rate me a 5/10 or even 4/10 being lanky and skinnyfat. The only thing going for me is that I tend to be a nice person and people usually like me for that, at least women tend to do.

What I recommend "incels" to do (I think it's a bad and rude term) is to have a bit of introspection. I feel like many of you guys are actually nice guys that are confused. You don't have to be macho, strong, rich, beautiful to get someone to love you. If anything I feel like you should just tell the truth to people around you about how you are insecure and (most likely) depressed. Try to be open to people while being respectful and realizing everyone deserves some respect and it doesn't cost a lot to be nice to them. If you do this you'll feel a lot more calm and in touch with your true feeling. This is what people mean with "just be yourself". If you'd be true to yourself and just admitted all your insecurities and everything I think you will eventually find some good person on your path as well.


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