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>> No.15582950 [View]
File: 67 KB, 700x523, Anguidae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To elaborate on this since I fear anon might be too stupid to follow, the woman in the picture (and many other limbless people) can survive without being fed spoonfed by somebody because our slightly prehensile feet happen to be sufficient to grasp things. If her being armless had a genetic cause, and this condition provokes a strong arousal in people like OP, then this woman will perhaps reproduce and give birth to a brood of armless people.
If the attractiveness was particularly powerful, almost irresistible, we might actually see armless humans becoming more and more common, and their feet would perhaps become more prehensile like monkey feet. In practice this is unlikely because having four limbs is extremely advantageous, and I doubt armless men are as attractive a partner, but let's assume the effect was just that strong while still allowing for survival.
Then countless millennia later, after 4-limbed people become forgotten creatures of myth or a transitional species fascinating paleontologists, we would find some anon would be furiously stomping "obviously feet are meant for grasping, idiot!" on his floor-keyboard.

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