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>> No.6919441 [View]
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>probably 100% misunderstood the arguments
>David Hume

Hume was never mentioned in the class. Neither were any other straight up "philosophers". The class only talked about modern "scientists" and "science". And the arguments weren't complicated. They were just mindless bullshit.

I shit you not, but one class was literally a some faggy phil major yelling about how electron was racist because it can only be "+1/2" and "-1/2" spin! He kept insisting that It should be allowed to spin however the fuck it wants, because of equality and his fucking feels! He argued with the prof for a fucking hour. It was like watching two retarded children grunt at each other. And at the end the teacher conceded that "maybe the electron was racist"!!

I took the class with a couple of buddies (two physics and one math major). And we jointly went the the physics department chair to complain about the class mid-semester. He completely understood and basically told us that the majority of philosophers are fucking morons arguing about nonsense. He jovially said the class would be a lesson on how to deal with idiots without murdering them.

However, I want to make it clear that my other two phil courses were great. Especially my logic course. The proof in that class is one of the smartest men I have ever met, and his ability to understand and explain logic was superb. I wouldn't even consider him a philosopher, he seemed more like a mathematician too me. His arguments were meaningful, because he could back them up mathematically, logically, and rationally. As opposed to the majority of modern philosophers that just rant about their fucking feels and argue about nonsense.

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