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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14997061 [View]
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SSTO never ever.

>> No.12749886 [View]
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>mfw when I daydream for 16 hours about studying math and physics but can't get to actually doing so because of internet addiction

>> No.12715290 [View]
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Taking a three year gap year

>> No.12624568 [View]
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bottleneck is lithium
>I know, I meant non degradable.
oh fuck off, you ignorant narcissist.

>> No.12522602 [View]
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Im contemplating suicide.

I can't. Im too dumb to live. I have immense verbal iq, but my visual one is abominable and my logical one is underwhelming.

I can't even understand basic stuff, i have autism, it feels like there's a hole in my lobe.

I pray for a miracle granting me iq.

>> No.12503655 [View]
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I wish i could be good at physics, at math.

I wish it was different.

I can write like one can, but accurate fields are not my strong suit.

My logical intelligence is stale and nothing too good, and my visual spatial intelligence is unironically borderline retarded, not joking.

I can program but nothing amazing. I can't fix tables and physical stuff, can barely understand maps.

Im tired of being a verbal nigger, i envy gauss and math geniuses so much.

>> No.11947077 [View]
File: 37 KB, 400x386, fucking kms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in 2080
>my grandmother had corona when she was a kid and it crippled her heart
sad to think theres going to be an entire generation of people will permanent organ damage

>> No.11917594 [View]
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>we'd like you to know that you were a highly competitive applicant. However...
Why are RA jobs so fucking impossible to get? I will literally never be employed and never even make it to grad school if things keep going at this rate.

>> No.11894335 [DELETED]  [View]
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>20 years old and 5'9''

thats as far as it goes isn't it?

>> No.11889100 [View]
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>stuck in algebra

>> No.11192740 [View]
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Why does HPV give women cervical cancer? Would it be possible to radically weaponize HPV so it has a 100% cancer inducing rate?

>> No.11088505 [View]
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>IQ has literally nothing to do with how successful you are
>My IQ? I dont know, people that want find out their IQ are idiots lol
>I became a professor and get payed out the ass because I worked hard, thats all
>The only reason people are poor is if they dont do anything. I just work harder then everyone else
>You just got to be smart to be successful. Not literally, of course, but metaphorically
>By the way, vote socialism so I can solidify my power position in my ivory tower haha
is there anyone more despicable then rich liberals that deny IQ

>> No.10869751 [View]
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What are some books that will teach me the basics of science?

>> No.10831408 [View]
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>abstraction is mapped to some already intuitively defined concept
>some conceptual set exists where the concept intersected with another previously intuitive set is equal to the empty set

>> No.10828465 [View]
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>complex numbers

>> No.10822332 [View]
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>we cant conceptualize this universe satisfactorily
>therefore an infinite amount of unknowable universes exists
what the hell is this? high level physicists dont believe this do they? We are supposed to be studying this universe. literal metaphysics.

>> No.10817239 [View]
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>how many people think its a?
>how many people think its b?
>how many people didn't raise their hand?

>> No.10657467 [View]
File: 37 KB, 400x386, 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Old1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally hundreds of millions die in the great fossil fuel war
>burgers are forced to join halliburton and exxon PMCs to afford to eat

>> No.10372397 [View]
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>be math major
>enter advanced topology class
>intellectual stimulation is blissful, you can tell everyone is engaged

>take laser physics class to increase my gpa even more
>can literally feel the average IQ in the room nose dive as i enter the class

why are physicists literally as dumb as biologists? did nu atheism ruin this field?

>> No.9835365 [View]
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>Nietzsche was right when you live in an eternal return
>You will live as a 4chan shitter for all possible universes

>> No.9774853 [View]
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Why can't you Americans stop forcing politics into everything

>> No.9418961 [View]
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>delta function

>> No.9314086 [View]
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>IQ of 120
Should I just kill me right now, lads?

>> No.9238563 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can a wagecuck ever become a /sci/entist?

I'm honestly sick and tired of working my wagiepleb job. I never have the time nor energy for my real interests - Mathematics and Chemistry.

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