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>> No.12661354 [View]
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>SN9 aftermath edition
It's over boys, yesterday's explosion was the final nail in the coffin. After this, recovery is unlikely. Years of development only for it to be swept under the rug like it never even happend at all. It was nice while it lasted, but all we have now is the lament for Starship's cancelation. Our best hopes now rely in Blue Origin, and I, for one, am looking forward to a new future for spaceflight, a Blue future.
RIP Starship, you will be missed.
Gradatim Ferociter, Blue Origin. Godspeed.

>> No.12649068 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the New Glenn coming out anytime soon, and when it eventually does, will it mog tf out of any other spacecraft out there? Think about it
>biggest cargo capacity
>actually relies on thoroughly tested technology
>will have an abort system
>will make manned flights become absolute frivolities in the grand scheme of spaceflight
>isn't owned by (((Elon))) M*sk
>it's oldspace approach most likely means government support towards it
What i state is true and you know it, denying this would just be a cope

>> No.12601947 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll mark the transition to the BEZ0S AGE. All will tremble at the sight of mighty Overlord BEZ0S, first of his name, second to none.
Blue Origin, the SS of the future but in space, will be the maximum authority over the black void, and it does no less than make BEZ0S's will come true.
All hail BEZ0S.

>> No.12579859 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Glenn is a testament to all the hardworking Americans who have a dream, a dream of conquering galaxies and traveling the full lenght of the cosmos countless times. It's the sole proof that there are no boundaries left unscathed when Humanity's best are on board and our deepest interests as a species are on the line. It is the eventual germination of the seeds that the general public have0 sown, those seeds being their hopes and trust on a company that dares to aim higher than any other ever had willed, even hoped, to aim for. We deconstruct myth, and build the impossible. We at Blue Origin know what it takes to be the best: to be hired. The New Glenn will roar with might never before seen, and we'll be be there to make sure of it, sooner than you'd expect. The future is Blue, and we're it's Origin. Hail Bezos.

>> No.12562549 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this with fact, not opinion:
>SpaceX is like a timid virgin, who spends hours upon hours studying, all in the hopes of becoming the best at its particular field of study, yet always ends up failing to do so, staying always in the slightly above average category
>On the other hand, Blue Origin is your typical, albeit rare, GilgameChad, an absolute Alpha who MOGS any other competitors within its realm of knowledge, who inadvertently makes any sort of adversary of his SEETHE immensely, who also relentlessly BEDS any unproven and thought-to-be impossible theories within a mere span of a week from the moment he knew of them, all the while maintaining a minimal studying habit, yet always manages to get grades ranked within the 99th percentile

>> No.12555525 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The starship is a meme concept. Even if it does successfully flop on its belly on reentry, and even if the landing burn fully ignites and does its job of slowing the object down accordingly to what'd been planned, the debris upon landing pose too much of a threat to the physical integrity of the outer engines. The damage a flying projectile at such high speeds, flinged from the earth beneath the rocket due to the impacting thrust, could provoke irreparable damage to the outer layers of the starship, thus compromising the efficiency of its internal works. It's a flaw thats not avoidable in the slightest with our current technological capabilities.

The New Glenn, however, is immune to this phenomenon, as it boasts state-of-the-art technologically enhanced engines that put starship's thrust generators to shame.

A new era in spaceflight is enclosing on us. And it's coming to stay. The New Glenn will redefine the general public's notion of what is advanced tech. Be ready and fearful, for nobody is slowing us down.

>> No.12544629 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. pic related

>> No.12527093 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave spaceX to ME

>> No.12526322 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave spaceX to me

>> No.12526268 [View]
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the spaceX to me

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