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>> No.12166968 [View]
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Here's my hot take OP,
all things that are nerdy and non-conforming have become a fad-based clique - videogames, anime/otaku culture ala >>12166398

hell otaku doesn't have to do with animu or mango. In Japanese culture Otaku is anyone who obsesses over a specific hobby and/or interest to an absurd degree often resulting in priority over the advancement of one's own life, in a shame-culture that puts success over all else this is why it has a strong negative connotation in Japan while being a gay trendy thing in the western world, sure your still a loser in the western world. If you're an otaku its more a harmless obsession than a life-destroying curse in the west. Most don't know what being an Otaku means, especially normies. Ideally striking a balance is what we all aspire for.

4chan is included as one of the fads normies obsess over e.g - Twitch has 4chan emotes, normies use 4chan lingo to death and green texting outside of 4chan, they ride meme shit into the ground.

Everything ever invented out of sheer creative will and freedom will be usurped and streamlined to be sold like a commercial product to normies, normies are the economy that feeds the world and no one can stand in the way of the machine.

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