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>> No.9082270 [View]
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Every freshman gets baited into thinking EEs can do anything and everything, but the reality is much more complicated than that.

The vast majority of jobs and occupations out there basically want you to not be merely decent at everything, but extremely good at just a few things. This is purely a consequence of supply and demand and basically the supply at the moment (yes, contrary to popular belief the STEM crisis is BS) is just too fucking high leading to career paths getting more and more specialized overall as time goes on.

This is why EE jobs, even at the entry level, require you to have a MS or PhD - especially in fields like circuit design or chip fabrication. A BS in EE is essentially worthless on its own since people simply don't expect a BSEE to know jack shit about anything beyond the most basic of basics.

Even if you happened to complete an equivalent of an MS in your coursework in undergrad in the field of your choice (which is dangerous because you might over commit to a shitty field by the way), you'd be surprised to see how many hiring departments simply demand to see the words MS in your resume for absolutely no reason other than to stroke their bureaucratic dicks.

So essentially, choosing EE doesn't free you from having to commit to a particular narrow specialization, and by extension, pigeonholing your entire career to revolve around your inevitably narrow skillset. Couple this with the boom-bust nature of the semiconductor industry which has been declining since the 80s, bls.gov statistics reporting a decline in the number of EE jobs across the board, and you'll get a good field of why EE is actually, memes aside, unimpressive in terms of career options.

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