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>> No.9113043 [View]
File: 240 KB, 513x460, Consensus on Global Cooling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of cooling papers from that time period

Bryson, Reid A., and Gerald J. Dittberner. "A non-equilibrium model of hemispheric mean surface temperature." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 33.11 (1976): 2094-2106.
Wendland, Wayne M., and Reid A. Bryson. "Atmospheric dustiness, Man, and climatic change." Biological Conservation 2.2 (1970): 125-128.

Kosiba, A. "The problem of climate cooling after 1939 (in Polnisch)." Czas. geogr 33 (1962): 63.

Fletcher, Joseph O. "Polar ice and the global climate machine." Bull. Atomic Scientists (1970): 40-47.
"... the cooling effect of the 1950s and 1960s shows that some other factor is more than countering the warming effect of CO2.... Man's contribution to the atmospheric dust load is increasing at an exponential rate.

Rasool, S. Ichtiaque, and Stephen H. Schneider. "Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols: Effects of large increases on global climate." Science 173.3992 (1971): 138-141.
" An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background... is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

Bray, J. R. "Climatic change and atmospheric pollution." Proceedings (New Zealand Ecological Society). New Zealand Ecological Society (Inc.), 1971.

EUSAESSER, HUGH W. "HAS MAN. THROUGH INCREASING EMISSIONS OF PARTICIPATES, CHANGED THE CLIMATE?." Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants (1974): 41.

>> No.8720458 [View]
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Trigger alert! Proof that global cooling was a real concern.

>> No.8656893 [View]
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Kukla, George J., and Helena J. Kukla. "Insolation regime of interglacials." Quaternary Research 2.3 (1972): 412-424. "...the prognosis is for a long-lasting global cooling more severe than any experiened hitherto by civilized mankind."

NEEDS, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. "LAWRENCE UVERMORE LABORATORY." (1972). "Global cooling of natural origin could exceed in magnitude changes experienced in historical times.

Potter, Gerald L., et al. "Possible climatic impact of tropical deforestation." (1975): 697-698.

Kukla, George J., and Robert K. Matthews. "When will the present interglacial end?." Science 178.4057 (1972): 190-202.

Gribbin, John. "Cause and effects of global cooling." Nature 254 (1975): 14.

Lamb, H. H. "Changes of climate." Wright & Moseley (1975): 169-188.

Fletcher, Joseph O. MANAGING CLIMATE RESOURCES. No. RAND-P-4000. RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CA, 1969. "We may already be inadvertantly influencing global climate. ... a weakening circulation, southward shifts of ice boundary..."

Braslau, Norman, and J. V. Dave. "Effect of aerosols on the transfer of solar energy through realistic model atmospheres. Part I: Non-absorbing aerosols." Journal of applied meteorology 12.4 (1973): 601-615.

Bray, J. R. "Climatic change and atmospheric pollution." Proceedings (New Zealand Ecological Society). New Zealand Ecological Society (Inc.), 1971. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide content was concluded to have Had An Ambiguous Climatic Influence and may be less important than sometimes considered. Several studies have suggested increased turbidity has produced a recent global cooling trend.

Carter, L. J. 1970. The global environment: M.I.T. study looks for danger signs. Science 169: 660-662. Increased turbidity causes gobal cooling.

Lamb, H. H. 1969. Activite volcanique et climat. Revue de Geographie Physique et de Geologie Dynamique 11: 363-380.

>> No.8589037 [View]
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>If you had actually bothered to read the Thomas Peterson paper on the myth of the 1970s Global Cooling consensus here:
> The rapid response team worked for hours to deny 285 papers! Look at our great "response"

>read our politically motivated garbage!
Read it, nice cherry picking. Ignored all the inconvenient articles that didn't fit the warmist narrative.

It is not a coincidence that Connolly was a co-author of that paper. Yeah, the same Connolly who "edited" 1000s of wikipedia articles to erase global cooling references and pretend there was always a consensus on warming. You warmists are nothing if not fraudulent.


>nb4 evil denier blog.
Try facts and logic buddy. I know that all you've got is Muh Popularity, Muh Authority and Muh Ad Hominem.

>> No.8540148 [View]
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Why do you deny 285 papers? Why do you pretend that Global Cooling wasn't a genuine fear?
> Look now that global warming alarmism is fashionable, global warming papers are Soooooo popular.
Wow, who would have known?

There was an 83% consensus on global cooling at the time. You're the poster boy for denial.


>> No.8366795 [View]
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Absolutely FALSE

>> No.8002512 [View]
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>>proponents of AGW have been caught lying quite often
>can you show any source for this assertion? can you show an example of climatologists making shit up to further climate change theory?
Pretending there wasn't a consensus that the globe had cooled

>> No.7910623 [View]
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>>>7908752 (You)
>>1966 during global cooling
>so, whenever the evidence proves you wrong, your response is to MAKE SHIT UP and accuse the other side of cherry picking points? cute.

Global Cooling, the thing warmists want to pretend never happened. Pic related. There was a consensus the Global Cooling was real.

>> No.7753245 [View]
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>Significantly more papers were Cherry Picked by a person trying to rewrite the past.

A consensus of Climatologists believed in Global Cooling

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