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>> No.11180991 [View]
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you think you're arguing in favor of food or whatever but you're actually arguing against public transport

no bus, no problem

>> No.11046513 [View]
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>> No.11034700 [View]
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>he thinks people who closely follow spacex aren't aware of musk delays and ADHD target changing
Falcon Heavy never landed Res Dragon on Mars, either. Because SpaceX decided to go all-in on Starship. But SpaceX has never gotten this far into a program without eventually completing it, so the burden is on you to keep making up fantastical reasons why it's totally doomed this time guys, for sure

Three years ago people like you were saying Falcon Heavy would never fly, three years before that saying SpaceX would never reuse a booster

>> No.11014085 [DELETED]  [View]
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will there be a futa option for the genetically engineered catgirls? asking for a friend

>> No.10970372 [View]
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they are

>> No.10964473 [View]
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season 7 of the expanse will probably be shot, at least partially, in space

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