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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6018912 [View]
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>time has shown us that we don't know dick about the society of the future.

We can extrapolate trends. Look at Moore's Law. It was spotted decades ago and computer scientists correctly predicted massive increases in processing power. It follows that machine intelligence will only increase over time. The ratio of workers to goods produced is going down rapidly and seems to be accelerating.

Sure there will be engineers, scientists and mainly other STEM types who are vital to design and maintain the expert systems, but you won't need a small army of minimum wage goons to wander around factories doing menial tasks. There are automated pizza machines, automated drive-thrus and automated grocery stores in Japan You punch in what you want at home, drive to the 'store' and bam, its right there waiting for you, all boxed up without a human in sight.

You appear to be very selective about the future you deem possible, even when you claim we can't know dick about the future. Interesting.

>> No.5686349 [View]
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Well duh. But then again, thats the point. You don't here about the failures because there weren't many. Sure a lot of prototypes got built and many didn't work out, but that what we technically call 'research'.

Plus I doubt they'd announce world-altering claims of fusion without some pretty fucking solid proof that they're onto something. They'd be a laughing stock if it wasn't at least promising an reproducible.

Cold fusion, anyone? Ask those guys what the scientific world thinks of them now.

>> No.3657144 [View]
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>Implying companies d not manipulate the market to keep barriers to entrance high whilst simply lying about their activities.

Want an example? Raitrack was formed from the privatisation of British Rail with the express purpose that it should be more efficient than a government administrated rail network.


The Hatfield rail crash killed 4 people and injured 70 when the rails basically disintegrated under the train as the maintenance hadn't been done, despite paperwork issued by the company a year before saying it had.

The Potter's Bar rail crash killed 7 people as the points of the rails hadn't been maintained. Jarvis, the sub-contractor initially claimed that the points had been sabotaged (lol) but actually it turned out that that shoddy work and simple hubris (despite a warning from a rail worker saying that he had seen 'lethal vibrations' on the track the week before).

In both cases, the workers who were supposed to be doing the maintenance were poorly trained and badly supervised, if at all. (Training workers is expensive y'know!)

I can't give examples from the US as I don't live there but there are probably many that the companies responsible for hired law firms to intimidate the local media into downplaying or simply not reporting at all. Inb4 tin foil hat: if you think that sort of shit doesn't happen, you're bloody naive.

>> No.2087029 [View]
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World population is still rising though and will likely peak at about 10 or 11 billion. So be prepared for a SHITSTORM of epic proportions when billions of unemployed hit the streets as increasing automation and huge population increase meet in the middle.


My advice: move somewhere remote, like australia, new zealand or canada and get a job that can't be easily automated, like making maple syrup or farming sheep.

>> No.2051878 [View]
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Remove the flyer, obviously.

>> No.1456372 [View]
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You see results with hormones after about 9 months usually.

However, after 3 or 4 years is when the changes becomes staggering. If HRT is started before 30 years old, the results are usually good, depending on how masculine the person was at the start.

Think of it as a sigmoid curve: Not much after 1 or 2 months, then rapid change between 2 and 9 months and then a leveling off of the effects. After 1 year, the changes are sight but greatly add to the overall effect, yielding subtle improvements that are hard to pin down.

>> No.1451428 [View]
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Let me sum it up for you people.

Are you going to live as long as the foo's who think they can completely stop aging? No.

Are you going to live longer than previous generations? Yes.

Anyone who thinks they can put an absolute number on things like this is pulling shit out of their ass.

>> No.1413648 [View]
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>> No.1361929 [View]
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Unlikely this will work in a metal spoon. Heat flows very well in most metals and certainly in the steel you find in cutlery.

If it was glass that was normal soda-lime or fused silica, it certainly would shatter violently as the rapidly changing temperature causes stress fractures that will explode as glass cannot plastically deform.

>> No.1206097 [View]
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3 birth control pills and slam your stomach into a doorknob very hard. Body will react to the trauma and the hormones will mess up the response.

End result: body takes emergency measures and ditches the baby as a first course of action.

>> No.1149677 [View]
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2027 is only 17 years away. Considering how the fuel cell was invented 30 years ago and its still not widely available, don't hold your breath.

>> No.1058263 [View]
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Most of the Western World could dispense with their militaries. Why would Spain, France, Germany etc etc NEED a military? Are they going to start wars or do they think Russia will invade?

100,000 well equipped and well trained troops with the latest technology would be the most any country would need. The rest is redundant. Puerto rico doesn't have its own army and is rapidly becoming the most civilised and peaceful countries in latin america.

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