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>> No.9101834 [View]
File: 239 KB, 1050x718, 2_22_16_John_CC_NuisanceFlooding_GlobalSLR_1050_718_s_c1_c_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The higher amount of CO2 has actually led to greening.
Which has little relevance to humans since it doesn't help agricultural production. CO2 is not the limiting factor in agriculture, and it produces warming which negatively effects the limiting factors. More CO2 will harm agricultural production:


>The question is can we survive higher CO2 levels.
No, the question is whether more CO2 will be harmful, and whether mitigating that harm is cost effective. Survival is an idiotic straw man.

>To which I would say. Yeah. CO2 isn't harmful to humans except when there so much of it we can't get enough oxygen and we asphyxiate. And the levels of CO2 to do that are absolutely enormous.
This is so braindead stupid you must be a shill. Is your brain broken? The harm from CO2 emissions is from the warming it causes, not asphyxiation. Address that and stop spreading this puerile misinformation.

>The sea level has been steadily rising since before recorded history as well.
Yes and it's rising much faster now. Funny how all of your arguments are conveniently missing key facts such that they lead to an incorrect conclusion.

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