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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12798793 [View]
File: 145 KB, 830x513, galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to come from backfired celebrity npc worship (which always happens) and a misunderstanding.
Why are people calling him a fraud, because he says random shit sometimes to make a news headline. It's not like he's selling you anything that's a fraud. You've never said anything dumb or cringey in an interview? He's not a god.
Then people call him out for not being an engineer. His weirdo dad taught him engineering since he was a young boy, you don't just make and sell a video game at that age and time without a good mentor. He studied economics, then physics with extra classes in cs (oh no, it's not a phd in rocket science). You guys don't think you can teach yourself some engineering on top of that? No one ever said he is designing those rockets himself other than morons, but he dared to put all his capital into them and learned enough about them to lead the organisation and hire good men into it and even did some bad engineering in the beginning when they had no one better which he has admitted was bad, he never claimed to be a genius engineer. He's not a simulacrum of Braun or Tesla, he is his own trauma riddled self.
His dad gave him access to read a bunch of german philosophy when he was a kid/early teen too. He had early connections with Thiel, Thiel loves Schmitt and invested into urbit. You guys really believe Douglas Adams is as far as he gets philosophically? You really don't think it's a coincidence that it was rated reddits favourite book before he mentioned it being his? For fucks sake this is a science board, you should notice basic patterns from your intuition you absolute seething retards.
Did you forget last year when America was burning and all organisations kneeled? Meanwhile spaceX sent 2 men into space and tesla began making great developments in their mega factories over seas?
>waaah he's a capitalist
you live in a capitalistic system and he does too, to get to his goals he had to play that game systematically and still needs to.

>> No.11876695 [View]
File: 145 KB, 830x513, 75467644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does't this will be ideal society? The only good thing evolution gave is intellegence to understand it, since we are in the bring of fully mastering it,why don't we still sacralize natarual childbirthing? Imagine the utopia we could build, when we take full control over our DNA? Just imagine highly productive society without human weaknesses

>> No.11668348 [View]
File: 145 KB, 830x513, 1559031112307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard plenty of times that IQ is the greatest determening factor of success and quality of life but i disproved that.
I am 88 IQ and i used to abuse and dominate nerds (especially if theyr good at math) in school all the time and they couldnt do anything. I even took ones glasses and threw them into a river and i told him if he told his parents id break his legs and made him say that he dropped it himself ... even today if i see ppl with glasses who look smart i bump into them and ask what the fuck theyire looking at and that im gonna kick theyr ass and they immediately start sniveling and stuttering...so if IQ is so good why cant you be smart enough to protect urself? lol.

>> No.11627915 [View]
File: 145 KB, 830x513, 1559031112307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

77 IQ here and i could beat the shit out of everyone on this board. I am stronger, bigger, smarter, happier and more sexually attractive than all of you and that cute three digit make believe number is nothing more than a massive cope.

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