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>> No.14773279 [View]
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>You are the one who acted like the terms aren't interchangeable, dummy, I just use different words for the same thing so as not to say paradox over and over.
All paradoxes involve a contradiction. You made no point in saying that, unless your point was to further display your ignorance.
>but the god that is also man and created his own parents as described in the bible is certainly paradoxical and contradictory
A paradox is always contradictory you captain redundant midwit. It's not a paradox just because you are too stupid to understand it. Children understand how it works.
>It is definitely a paradox to be both inside and outside of something since those two states contradict
ROFL no. A 4 dimensional being easily can be in two places at once. Again this isn't a difficult idea at all. Pic related is a time traveling children's movie showing just one way this easily works. Notice how he's inside and outside the car at the same time hahaha!!! No paradox at all bc if we agree on the premises of that situation it's blatantly easy to understand how it happened.
You'll probably complain its not he "same" person inside and outside the car since one is older, however that argument is easily defeated. Since God is omnipotent, omniscient, doesn't age, and his nature is unchanging there would be no difference between him being in two parts both inside the car and outside at the same time. Ergo, he's the same God in two places at once. Easy as pie to understand. No paradox whatsoever.
>Creation ex nihilo was not well supported in the philosophical history of Christianity
Again you are supremely ignorant. 2 Macabees is accepted by the catholic church and blatantly verbatim affirms creation ex nihilo. You are definitively wrong.
There is no point to engage you since you still blatantly stonewall over my claim/fact Christians believe God created time that I have now said TWICE and you ignorantly ignore. Your pedantic ignorance is a waste of time.

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