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>> No.7717889 [View]
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>Why are people still skeptical about climate change

Money, the answer is as simple as that. You need it to live, you need it to die, you need it to raise a nation, you need it to fight armies, you need it to trade, you need it to develop, you need it for everything.

Economics decides most of your local, national and international policies today. It gives little fucks about the personal cogs (people) who make it run or the environment that sustains it unless there is immediate and apparent harm to the system itself by way of a cascading failure.

This how climate change is "real" concerning places like China but is "not real" concerning the planet itself. Despite the two being clearly interconnected, nations don't make money from the planet (figuratively here) but from other nations. China is a nation, an economic engine and said engine is going to be compromised by unfit changes in air constitution and water supply (things caused by humans). Thus it must be address soon because the next generation of cogs that make up the engine will be unable to keep it running.

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