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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14867017 [View]
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I dont think computers understand irrational numbers because they have an infinite number of numbers in them and everything in the computer has to be finite.

How many decimal places do I need to approximate e and pi to? I think double goes only out to 16 and that's a lot less than infinity. Is there a way to detect the error amount introduced by having to use approximations of the irrational numbers?

I will also go consult the Landau books about this because I think he addresses approximation errors somwhere in a part I haven't read yet.

>> No.14832705 [View]
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Thank you for your answer, fren. Do you know if there is there a particular flavor of Fortran the /sci/entists like?

I am currently exploring with f90 because the first tutorials I found had f90, but wouldn't be bothered if I need to do an older one or a newer one. It looks like Fortran books are cheap and abundant for every version.

>> No.14831044 [View]
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Thank you fren. I'll see if I can do something useful with this information.

I don't want to go back to /g/. On /g/ if I make a thread it will be like half people calling me a tranny (or worse) and half people contributing positively.

That's fine. That's how the free internet works. The part I dislike is what happens next.

/g/ jannies come and delete anyone who was maidposting with me. Then they find a dumb reason to give me an unappealable 1-3 day ban on some technicality which is never enforced unless they want an excuse to ban me.

All the people saying nasty stuff are left alone, and I'm blamed for all of it as if I put up a neon sign that said "Come be a malicious retard!" at the start of my thread.

On /sci/ the scientists are nice to me and they help me find things and make experiments. I made several new kinds of Maid Books in SLAM because of talking to them.

There used to be an anon from /g/ who would follow me around just to reply to any post I made with baseless accusations of being a gay, trans pedophile and/or spam "hanging troonjak" gifs and suicide encouragement. No matter where/what I posted I could expect this guy to show up to the thread (usually 2 or 3 times) just to froth irrelevantly about trannies.

He followed me into /sci/ on my first day here, and I reported the first two times he showed up just to post slander and derail my thread. The /sci/ jannies banned him about 5 mins later. I haven't seen him since. The thread went on to be productive and have experiments.

In the time I've been here, I only had one Tohru deleted. I suspect it was deleted for being slightly too dirty for a blue board. I will refrain from posting that Tohru again, because the /sci/entists and their jannies have so far been fair and nice to me.

>tl:dr; /g/'s moderation is a mix of all the bad aspects of Twitter and Reddit moderation. It exists to prevent discussion, not enable it. /sci/'s moderation has been far more reasonable.

>> No.14816306 [View]
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Thanks fren. I've used z-library for CS books before. Usually I use the PDF for a while and if I like the book I buy a hard copy.

I've noticed that if I keep to American science books made between about 1950 and 1990, that physical copies can usually be purchased online for somewhere between $5 and $20.

I think my biggest problem with math is that I don't even know what I don't know. I had never heard of Ergodicity until today, but apparently that is the kind of math that governs the problems I think are interesting.

With CS books there are some really good authors. It's a field that got blessed with what seems to be a disproportionate number of good writers. Pretty much if it has Aho and Ullman, Wirth, Gries or Dijkstra on it you will have a good time.

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