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>> No.16269356 [View]
File: 32 KB, 494x515, astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow duuuuuudde!!!! omg your soo deep and sheeiiiittt!!! OMG your totally blowing my mind maaaaaaannnn!!!! your like totally a philosopher and stuff or something, your IQ must be huge maaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!

>> No.16221240 [View]
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>> No.16138551 [DELETED]  [View]
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>oh wow like the universe maaannnnn!!!

>> No.16127979 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15786564 [DELETED]  [View]
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soigoys get brainwashed into believing in the garbage by their gay hollywood comic book movies.
the appeal of thinking about things outside of earth draws them in because they are total failures on earth so spending their meager brainpower on pondering imaginary things outside of earth is a distraction from their dissatisfaction with their very real lives here on earth. they never bother to ponder the fact that their own dissatisfaction stems from the fact that everyone else is also their dissatisfied with them as well because they are too low iq to have self awareness

>> No.15732414 [View]
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the people who claim to be fascinated by astronomy are so incredibly interested in it that they can't be bothered to go outside to look at the stars, they're far too busy sitting on the internet telling strangers about how they know everything about the entire universe and how high their iq is

>> No.15680379 [View]
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astrocrap is a dumb field of study that attracts low iq, mentally ill people with delusions of intellectual grandiosity.

>> No.15661357 [View]
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astroshit is definitely the lowest iq science
astrotards can't even do basic math

>> No.15647953 [View]
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nobody cares, space shit is only attractive to total losers who feign an interest in space as a means of distracting themselves from the total failure that their life on earth is.

>> No.15554717 [View]
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Isn't it amazing that neither of the two most famous astronomers of the past century were researchers. Its almost as if astronomy is a completely useless subject thats only popular because of lame comic bookish hollywood soience fiction movies

>> No.15386592 [View]
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>The amount of know-it-alls in any discipline is inversely proportional to the usefulness of the discipline.

What is the most pompous scientific discipline, astronomy or physics?

>> No.15344552 [View]
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>> No.15331974 [DELETED]  [View]
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astroshitter's stupid space fantasies are sofa king gay

>> No.15308805 [View]
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astrotards are definitely the stupidest and most worthless of the gang. everyone else deals with things here on earth which may have to potential to be of use.
plus they seem incapable of differentiating between their idiotic comic book fantasy life an irl reality, i presume most of them are deeply mentally ill

>> No.15303159 [View]
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What good is astrocrap? It wastes a fortune of money and stand no chance at all of producing any return on the investment. Shouldn't that funding be put into something which has the potential to produce a valuable result of some sort, like medical research or pretty much anything except astrocrap?
Why waste fortunes for mentally ill nerds who's only goal is to irrationally declare "i know everything about the whole universe"?

>> No.15258050 [View]
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>> No.15233962 [View]
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take your low iq and gtfo, pseud. you're not deep minded intellect, you're just another bland boring pseud poser

>> No.15200586 [DELETED]  [View]
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i know the entire history of the whole universe from the very start and i can't also predict the future of the universe to the very last moment.
i know everything, all of it, my brain is massive.
no, i don't own a house, no i don't have a wife or children or any savings, no, i haven't even graduated from school yet, but look at how smart i already am

>> No.15121678 [DELETED]  [View]
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astrology unironically adheres to the scientific method more than the astronomy oriented fake scientists do

>> No.15104333 [View]
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>> No.15098996 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.14865879 [View]
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>> No.14781977 [DELETED]  [View]
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What is all boils down to essentially is that you're a social failure here on planet Earth and you fill your lonesome "free" time with absurd grandiose fantasies about "the universe" which seem big and important to you even though none of it will ever affect life here on Earth. You neglect the unimportance of astrofaggotry because it wouldn't be an effective mechanism with which to cope with your social failure if you acknowledged how stupid and gay your idiotic space fantasy life is.

>> No.14731696 [View]
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