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>> No.9586076 [DELETED]  [View]
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So remind me, was he the smartest or the dumbest.

>> No.9553930 [View]
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>0.999 =/= 1
>pi exists for no reason
>manmade climate change isn't real
I can't take it /sci/ i'm at my limit everything is a lie

>> No.9517895 [View]
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>i would like to learn x
>if i knew how to do x, i could get a job doing x and be comfy
>if i buy books about x and teach myself how to do x, i can't get a job doing x because reasons
>i must instead pay an old person to vaguely talk to me about x on top of buying books about x
>i must also pay for s, t, u, v, w, y and z even though i only really care about x and would like to get a job doing x. the s, t, u, v, w, y and z courses will also not be substantial enough in themselves to educate me towards s,t,u,v,w,y or z careers if x somehow doesn't pan out as i imagined.
>can only get the opportunity of getting a job doing x if i pay for, successfully complete, and waste my efforts in s,t,u,v,w,y and z as well, and if I don't then I wont get a piece of paper thats says i'm qualified at x.
>4 years later i have finally achieved my degree in x, so now i can get a job doing x because this piece of paper says i'm good at x even though, by ratio, i've spent more time collectively on needless s,t,u,v,w,y and z courses which have no benefit to x and i dont understand rigourously enough by themselves to make a career out of anything but x, which my piece of paper says i'm qualified for just x anyway.

>can't get job doing x cause non-white immigrants got accredited for the same positions requiring my similar education solely from having mumbled gibberish at mosques since birth and cooking kebabs for a summer.
>"pajeet only needs $10,000/yr for the position cause he's subsidized half a million dollars in benefits and handouts from the government, so why would we hire you anon? $200,000/yr is too much!"

>> No.9475886 [View]
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Oh no what the fuck happened what did i do fucking latex

>> No.9440320 [View]
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Fucking street shitting pajeets. The world capital of gullible retardation and pseudo-logic.

>> No.9397550 [View]
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Its true i just tried counting to 100 but for some reason i counted 86, 87, 88, 89, 80, which made me go like woah. Took a second to say "90" then start counting again.

>> No.9382929 [View]
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>evaluating with the assignment operator
>if X do Y, else if Z do Y
>not even actually doing anything just prints the word "Block"

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