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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12566041 [View]
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Allow me to say it again:
Never gonna happen
The Brain calculates at 10^24 per second constructed via biochemical molecules at the precision of picometers (10^-12). Some species have been known to calculate even quantum spin of the electrons (10^-15 femtometer) just to figure out north without relying on the magnetic fields

Computers are bound to plateau at 10^18 because it is constructed using transistors that would peak at 1nm (10^-9). Once it reaches that level, it cannot go any further because its entire construction relies on electricity that heats up circuitries because of resistance. Any lower than 1nm and it becomes too fragile

The future of mankind would not be about computers. No, instead it would be about trying to imitate the brain and trying to create artificial neurons that can be used in computers that resemble a brain in a jar.

The future is not metal.
The future is flesh

Transhumanism is a fucking joke.
You can do so much more by using exoskeleton suits without any need to cut you up.

>> No.12543212 [View]
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I watched the first 10 min and I quit
My god
He was talking about the technology called Magnetic Levitation which already exists and already implemented on trains

What the fuck you mean anti-gravity?
What the fuck you mean it was rejected because it was in conflict of general relativity

God, it was so cringe

>> No.12501398 [View]
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Your statement is as probable as saying that a super comet flung at high speed hitting the earth would cause the Earth's core (which is high in thorium and uranium) to cause a nuclear fission reaction

Non zero plausibilities are the workshop of popsci retards

Stop doing that

>> No.12467621 [View]
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No. All insects here are farmed in small independent farms. You'd think that the local street vendor who sell kilos of it everyday also has to hunt it in the wild? lol no

If you are afraid that bug farming would take over because a marketing strategy of "think of the poor animals" would definitely kill it, then you can kindly go fuck yourself, sir. A free market does not care about your feelings. The animal industry is so full of cruelty that plenty of butchers suffer from ptsd with as much as 90% unable to last a marriage.
Bugs are great because they causes no sympathy

It HAS to be wildly different because is what diversity really is all about, duffus. Different breeds are not going to get you far when the idea of cross-mutated strain happened...which happened so many times already because most of our meat sources are mammals or close to it.

Eat bugs.
They are cheaper, healthier, better for the environment, and requires no animal right.

Any argument is just a pussytalk

>> No.12272590 [View]
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Already exists
We just don't do it because it's cheaper to just make a new one than recycle

Other method is a Breeder Reactor that can use U-238 as fuel instead of U-235. The premise of it implies that nuclear power would turn into a real renewable energy.
Unfortunately, because common reactor is good enough, they gave up on it. China and India are the only ones still pursuing Breeder Reacts

>> No.12223956 [View]
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You can easily make something similar but nope
Not to that efficiency
>armor just centimeters thick means that it has to be denser than tungsten which would make it radioactive
>dense metal are great conductors of shock trauma brought by impact collisions
>I can't think of anything that could possibly dampen the shock trauma from Hulk's punch that can destroy buildings
>then comes the energy consumption needed to make it fly and release enough energy to still destroy batalions of tanks
>nuclear power (both fusion and fission) would require extreme radiation shielding. Antimatter is too futuristic to make any logical conclusion as to whether they are possible. Though it would still produce a lot of gamma radiation

You can, however, create a suit that can protect itself via electromagnetic fields, plasma window, and photochromatic shielding (anti-laser). But these too would require huge amounts of power and must always be attached to a damn truck of nuclear battery

>> No.12125565 [View]
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Yes, but what would happen to the people who are just born with bad genes? Are they now considered as second class citizens?

What about designer babies?
What about creating perfect soldiers?

Also shut up.
Not a single time have to addressed the fact that cyborgs are bound to be enslaved by the manufacturers.
You keep on avoiding and denying it.

An offline system would pack up bugs and gliches as time goes on. A cyborg would always need to visit the debuggers

A body purist need only vitamins and minerals.

>> No.12014073 [View]
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Learn to count calories and energy consumption.
You need 2000 calorie per day
You burn 1,600-2,400 calorie per day
If you ate 4000 calorie a day, then you would need to swim for as much as 12 hours to burn it down

Not a single person in the world can eat twice their needed calorie without getting fat, you deluded twat!

>> No.11822193 [View]
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>I am personally responsible for 75,000 abortions. This legitimizes my credentials to speak to you with some authority on the issue.
>Fetology makes it undeniably evident that life begins at conception and requires all the protection and safeguards that any of us enjoy. Why, you may well ask, do some American doctors who are privy to the findings of fetology, discredit themselves by carrying out abortions? Simple arithmetic at $500 a time, 1.2 million abortions means an industry generating $600 million annually, of which most goes into the pocket of the physician doing the abortion.

>It is clear that permissive abortion is purposeful destruction of what is undeniably human life. It is an impermissible act of deadly violence. One must concede that unplanned pregnancy is a wrenchingly difficult dilemma, but to look for its solution in a deliberate act of destruction is to trash the vast resourcefulness of human ingenuity and to surrender the public weal to the classic utilitarian answer to social problems.

>As a scientist I know, not believe, know that human life begins at conception.

Just replace fetology with whatever they would call those pig people and you got the same statement from doctors whom you want to do the dirty work for you

It took us 10000 years of progress to finally ban slavery, sexism, and racism on civilized countries and you're saying that it is meaningless?

>> No.11793797 [View]
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You're not in /a/
Everyone here are concerned about making themselves better, not to seek out pleasure.

We enjoy studying here. We don't care about sex or whatever
Shame you cannot understand the concept of maturity

>> No.11788818 [View]
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>this thread
They are reptiles who cheated the system by having "bubbles" inside their system that allowed them to grow bigger at the same weight. And that's about it.

You can't do that with Mammals because we are warm blooded and have different body system

Fuck off, /x/

>> No.11754639 [View]
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First off, dude. You don't have to qoute all of my post.

Secondly, Yes we can, actually. Everyone feared that automation would destroy the need for a work force and there were many many rallies and sabotages on those day because people do not want to be replaced.
But as it turns out, it did not kill jobs at all because creating a solution adds new problems.

Think of it, my man. What do you think are needed to invent and keep those revolutionary technologies running?
Energy, programmers, engineers, electricians, and so on.

As far as automation is concerned, the fields of art, entertainment, politics, law, education, and science would never be replaced by AI because AIs are not people. They are tools. Tools that still need humans to keep them alive and working.

Your video states:
>"So, who would these businesses trade with then? Each other.
>Consumer is really not as important to the economic system"
I'm sorry, WHAT?!
Not a fan of the channel you posted but where exactly did he got that?
Gillete alone suffered $8B backlash after their commercial and there are many many stories franchises and sometimes businesses going out because of boycott.

What do you think businesses are for? Charity?
Sorry, man but while the vid was informative, I would have to urge you to use your common sense on that last part.

>> No.11752903 [View]
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1. Asteroids are rich in minerals. 1 single asteroid holds more minerals than any of our mines. Successfully mining one would result into a wild abundance of necessary metals that would make computers cheaper.

2. It is much easier, safer, and cheaper to send rockets into space to mine resources than to scan, get a permit, build a perimeter, plan your mining facility, handle environmental issues and finally dig for resources.
Asteroids have collided with each other since eons and thus any lose dirt was gone - only dense metals.

3. More energy.
Fossil Fuels are not feasable in the long run. Nuclear power obtained from mining asteroids for uranium is the future. Assuming nuclear fusion reactors were finally achieved, Hydrogen is the single most abundant element in space.
Not to mention taht Neptune has a moon loaded with methane that we too can use for fuels

With so much energy, electricity would be too cheap to even count

>> No.11673993 [View]
File: 115 KB, 900x700, 1585918249045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Directed Energy Weapons
>way of the future

First and foremost: Lasers are EXTREMELY susceptible to atmospheric conditions
Fog, Humidity, Sandstorms, and fucking Rain would wreck absolute havoc on its effectiveness. No fucking way it could penetrate through the clouds, let alone a human because lasers are calibrated at the infrared. They do NOT penetrate

Secondly, Lasers are not affected by gravity
As such, if your laser is ground-based, it would not have any further range that the horizon. Around 6km depending on your elevation.
That's hilariously short range. We have artilleries that can hit 150km. Railgun can hit 200m. Missiles can hit from the other side of the world.

Lastly: Lasers are not unstoppable AT ALL. Tank armors are already designed to dissipitate and equalize heat. A laser weapon would need to keep its aim on the same spot for as long as a minute just to penetrate it. And this is not including photochromatic technology that would render it completely ineffective

Sorry to rain on your parade, mate
COIL lasers attached on planes HAVE mirrors in order to adjust and calibrate its laser to prevent it from spreading out due to the reflectiveness of the clouds. Still, it's only effective as a last-resort anti-missile defense as it is so short ranged

>> No.11616055 [View]
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Overwhelming number of abortion doctors are absolutely disgusted at what they do, suffers from ptsd, and even turns into activists against abortion

>I am personally responsible for 75,000 abortions. This legitimizes my credentials to speak to you with some authority on the issue.
Fetology makes it undeniably evident that life begins at conception and requires all the protection and safeguards that any of us enjoy. Why, you may well ask, do some American doctors who are privy to the findings of fetology, discredit themselves by carrying out abortions? Simple arithmetic at $500 a time, 1.2 million abortions means an industry generating $600 million annually, of which most goes into the pocket of the physician doing the abortion.

>It is clear that permissive abortion is purposeful destruction of what is undeniably human life. It is an impermissible act of deadly violence. One must concede that unplanned pregnancy is a wrenchingly difficult dilemma, but to look for its solution in a deliberate act of destruction is to trash the vast resourcefulness of human ingenuity and to surrender the public weal to the classic utilitarian answer to social problems.

>As a scientist I know, not believe, know that human life begins at conception.

Oh but I thought it wasn't a human?

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