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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5832623 [View]
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I am looking for a really seminal textbook on data structures and algorithms. I want deep coverage of things like computational complexity theory, searching/sorting, and list/graph-like structures. Ideally, this is outside of the context of a particular programming language.

SICP is exactly the kind of book that I am NOT looking for, but thank you.

In return, I will hang around and make recommendations for books in the neurosciences. I am a systems/cognitive student and I do monkey physiology and computational modeling.

>> No.5245367 [View]
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Sure, would you rather talk about cerebral blood flow or how best to operate on an epileptic patient?

>> No.5177155 [View]
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Here is a simple question from a stupid person: Does the matter comprising our thoughts have more mass or energy than other neurons in the brain? Thank you for your time.

>> No.4993781 [View]
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Great, thought experiments basically go like that: I have a direction where I want to go or a point I want to make and now I'll just keep on adding premisses until I end up where I want. Better knowledge and limitations left completely aside.

Well that's GREAT science! Keep up the good work!

It's not science if you just go ahead and speculate some batshit retarded crap out of nowhere and argue "WELL SOME DAY WE WILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT!"

>> No.4968385 [View]
File: 2.15 MB, 2560x1920, neurons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sci/!
This is the first time ever I use this board but I'm sure theres alot of nice people here -
From what I know, the human body sends all its commands and info over electrical impulses and signals. Would it be possible to create a device that would convert such signals and manipulate the human body somehow? Of course the technical requirements would be extreme high. Maybe there is already a scientist group doing research in this area, or is it completly nonsens? Is there a possibility that this is going to work one day? What do you think or what can you say about it based on your knowledge?

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