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>> No.4111854 [View]
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It's my 2nd BS (first was biochemistry) and I'm hoping to get into the MS/MBA program for nuclear engineering. So far, it's pretty fun.

It's also nice starting a new degree but having credit for all the basic chemistry, physics, and calculus. Since my humanities crap is also all satisfied, I'm in my 3rd year at this point- I'll just have all engineering or nuclear physics courses instead of mixing things up.

I might take Arabic. We do cooperate with the Saudi nuclear power project and if Iran gets the bomb, they'll be building more "peaceful nuclear power plants" with US help. I've heard stories of engineers on various projects making in the $200-300k range as just low level engineers. Mangers (the type with MBA's) make double that over there.

A 2-3 year stint in the Kingdom and I'll have enough money to build a proper nest egg for retirement. This isn't to mention that I COULD (theoretically) put my money in a hawala bank or keep it as stocks of gold, platinum, palladium, or silver in some off-shore bank.

Then there are possibilities like establishing a bearer share corporation held by a foundation in somewhere like Panama or Guatemala so I could invest without incurring capital gains.

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