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>> No.8629921 [View]
File: 106 KB, 550x389, climate-funding-US-govt-spending-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In December 2015 Happer was targeted in a sting operation by the environmental activist group Greenpeace; posing as consultants for a Middle Eastern oil and gas company, they asked Happer to write a report touting the benefits of rising carbon emissions. Concerned that the report might not be trusted if it was known that it was commissioned by an oil company, Happer discussed ways to obscure the funding. Happer asked that the fee be donated to the climate-change skeptic organization CO2 Coalition, who suggested he reach out to the Donors Trust, in order to keep the source of funds secret; hiding funding in this way is lawful under US law. Happer acknowledged that his report would probably not pass peer-review with a scientific journal.

Wow! A white paper he had already written; asked for a donation. If this isn't entrapment by a bunch of warmist dunderheads, I don't know what is.

Meanwhile UN IPCC is trying to fleece us for $100,000,000,000 a year >>8629912
FedGov will make may $$Billions of carbon taxes, not to mention new, vast regulatory powers. A Leftist Wet Dream.

You're truly delusional if you think governmental type organizations are disinterested parties.

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