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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3616382 [View]
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How deep is this hole?

penguins unrelated

>> No.3599646 [View]
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Theres no psycology forum so im posting here.

I enter phases of extreme and back to normality while my girlfriend and I are with groups.
I have been going out with my girlfriend for 3 months. Lately, when I see her talking and laughing with any other guy I kinda tilt and get extremely emotional, angry and sad. When I think about how we haven't had sex I get really frustrated and then other times it's not a problem. When she doesn't text back for 6 hours to a day I get mad. With all this said and some other things she is a kind person, pure, very rare. When I saw her with that other guy I said to her that we need to talk and she got slightly upset and now i'm unsure if I should open Pandora's box and tell her everything. My question is should I tell her about all the mixed uncertain emotions tomorrow or just leave it. Things bother me, but I don't want to ruin everything by telling her and then. What do you recommend I do please

>> No.3534546 [View]
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So i havn't been on /sci/ in a while and i know biology has always been seen as pseudo science but what is with the sudden flood of anti biology threads.
Did i miss something?

>> No.3505444 [View]
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My friend is arguing with me over whether or not you would need to know javascript to develop a website like ubc.ca

He says you could just read the js files and the css stuff and just match it up and modify it to suit your purposes.

I know java but I really have no idea how to do any web design or javascript stuff.

Can anyone tell me if he's right? I relaly hate this guy because he thinks he's smart as fuck but fml.

Again, he says that a website like ubc.ca could be created by soemoene without any javascript experience by just simply altering and changing things around

>> No.3487578 [View]
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Hey guys I overheard a guy from my dorm saying his IQ was 130. Well now I'm confused what's IQ and how smart is he?

>> No.3479410 [View]
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The International Space Station will begin being serviced by private organizations before the year is out. Perhaps humanity will make it into space before the otherwise inevitable and practically permanent collapse of civilization.

So, what makes Earth so special? Where is the apparent bottleneck in probability between single celled organisms to colonization of the entire galaxy? There has been plenty of time for it to happen yet there are no signals coming from anywhere out there.

>> No.3437056 [DELETED]  [View]
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Dammit that board is dead. Why has moot not closed it down and put up /religion/ or /philosophy/ instead?

>> No.3430484 [View]
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what is the psychology behind the response of people to being robbed....especially people who are excessively rich and the effect is negligable to them in practice of whatt hey will utilise in their wealth. If you are an extremely wealthy person, you would still feel bad if robbed 'just a little', similarly, if somebody steals my pen or something, and it doesn't inconvenience me cause i have lots of them next to me, I will still feel bad. Can you explain the science of this, and whether it is a reasonable concern at all. Any advice regarding how to aleviate the 'stress' of these kinds of losses will be appreciated, cause I'm thinking far too much and worrying about this sort of thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3411006 [View]
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i need your help /sci/

i'm in need of a rope or line that is 500lb + test, can not easily be severed (as in it can survive being dragged with tremendous pressure against a jagged rock or ice) and is super light and easily packed in a back pack.

i was thinking 500lb test polyester braid like used in fishing but i think that would tear if dragged against a rock.


>> No.3403931 [View]
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what the fuck is this selfish gene shit? i understand that the 'selfish' idea of motive isn't meant to mean that they have a 'mind'....but the whole book is built on the premise that genes are somehow cognisant and aware of other examples of the gene external to it. the fuck! dawkins you dumb cunt, come to australia and i'll show you a think or 2 about biology.

>> No.3375888 [View]
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1. In the future, simulations will be numerous and complex
2. When simulations become complex enough, sub-simulations will also be possible, as well as sub-sub-simulations and so forth
3. The total number of universes in history; past, present, and future; is large
4. It is statistically unlikely that our lives are not simulated

What does /sci/ think of this?

(Pic unrelated, but who doesn't like penguins?)

>> No.3280539 [View]
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>> No.3269539 [View]
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When did humans first become self aware, is it known? is self-awareness simply a bi-product of smart ancestors passing on their genes, or an essential part of survival of the fittest? is their any advantage it gives for survival compared to an animal with only inherited instincts? sorry if their are flaws in my question, but I hope you get the gist of it.

>> No.3262875 [DELETED]  [View]
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hey /sci/ i'm doing some summer practice problems but their is no answer sheet

can anyone help explain the answers to these questions

1. A piece of gold is heated and placed in 250mL of water, raising the water temperature by 8℃. The amount of energy transferred from gold to the water is a.bc×10d J. The values of a,b,c and d are____._____,______,and______.
Is that right if i use Q=mc△T?

2. If a 290g hailstone starts at rest from an altitude of 1km, at what velocity will it hit the ground, given that it loses 35% of its energy to friction?
Hint: E(potential energy)=mgh E(kinetic energy)=1/2mv2

3. The American tennis player Pete Sampras owes much of his success to his serve (one of the hardest serves in professional tennis.) His serve has been measured at over200 km/h.
a) If the tennis ball reaches a maximum velocity at the net in a time of 0.600s, what is the acceleration of the ball if the net is at distance of 17.0m from where it was hit?
b) Dram a distance-time graph and a velocity-time graph of the ball's motion. Assume the ball undergoes uniform acceleration.
c) A tennis net has a height of 1.0m. What is the total energy of a 50g tennis ball as it passes just over the net at 200km/h.

>> No.3257743 [View]
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Just because it's summer doesn't mean you faggots have to stop learning. Get in the lecture hall!

>> No.3253886 [View]
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What other boards does /sci/ browse?



>> No.3245476 [View]
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>mfw china

>> No.3215999 [View]
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It's telling us that in general people will do as little work as possible when posting an image. This, along with the penguins I've posted, is one of the most commonly posted images on the board.

>> No.3202882 [View]
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Religion is real if I believe it to be real. What is true to you is not true to me

>> No.3193593 [View]
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i need your help

Jason is 4 years old, his mother is 25 years old.
In how many years is the mother 4 times older

what the hell...

>> No.3148910 [View]
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>> No.3074728 [View]
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>> No.3063997 [View]
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Ok /sci/, I need a definitive answer on this: do grades mean intelligence?

I ask this because a lot of people call me dumb (mostly my sister and shit). But I have a 4.0 at a top 30 university in EE. I was always told EE/ChemE are pretty much the hardest engineering majors and also very tough compared to all other majors.

I'm just wondering, when my sister calls me dumb, can I say to here: "How can a dumb person have a 4.0 GPA"?

>> No.3060853 [View]
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Mathematicians stand high up on the ivory tower of god tierdom. You mad doggy?

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