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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3925210 [View]
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4th year engineer here.

I have this friend, he's probably my best friend at the moment. We met in first year and we're now getting ready to graduate. However, this kid has completely lost interest in school and is on the verge of failing some classes.

What the fuck do I say to this kid? Seriously, what a fucking waste of time to fail your 4th year and have to repeat courses next year. Anyone been in his situation before? How can I motivate him.

Sorry if this sounds emo, it just seems like he needs a wake up call and I'm not sure how to give him one.

>> No.3909474 [View]
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4th year engineering student here.

I avoided doing my first year chemistry elective until next semester. Partly because I think chemistry is gay as fuck and just requires a bunch of shitty memorization.

So I have two options for courses: I can take Chemistry for engineering; or Physical and Organic Chemistry + Structural chemistry.

What sounds easier? Would you think a first year engineering chem course would be more of a weedout course than an actual science course?

>> No.3881354 [View]
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How do you get to
-2x - 5 = (x-1)y

I have no idea how they're isolating the y

>> No.3878475 [View]
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>> No.3873184 [View]
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Sup IQ130's,

Admitedly, this isnt science related, but you guys are good at solving puzzles right?

Could you help your fellow /int/ solve a puzzle?


>> No.3860630 [View]
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Anyone able to give some info?

let a=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2), P1=(x1,y1) P2=(x2,y2), the line through P1 and P2 L is equal to y=y1+(x-x1)a substitute in y^2=x^3+ax+b and get (y1+(x-x1)a)^2=x^3+ax+b.

They say because P1 and P2 are in L intersect E x1 and x2 are roots of the polynomial (y1+(x-x1)a)^2=x^3+ax+b.

Is this because you can write the line as ... (x-x2)a aswell?


>> No.3851358 [View]
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Can someone explain how to solve this for me? I'm armed with a pencil, paper, and a TI-83 calculator Of the 100 songs on my IPOD shuffle, 18 are from the band “Boston”. If I’m going on a short car trip and will listen to 20 songs, independent and randomly selected by the IPOD (duplication of songs is a possibility) during the trip, what’s the probability that I’ll hear between 1 and 2 Boston songs (inclusive) during the trip?

>> No.3841788 [View]
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I want to be an engineer. They make a ton of money, and i want a ton of money. I feel like I could possibly major in anything i want to, provided I actually work towards it. I'm pretty ignorant about anything engineering, but I'm willing to learn.

What should my major be?

>> No.3834996 [View]
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Yup. The US is finally gone to shit now.

>> No.3826138 [View]
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Are there good jobs in Signal Processing EE type stuff? I've been taking my 3rd year signal courses and I'm realy enjoying them. I'm just wondering however, are there jobs doing this kind of stuff? I'm not even sure where EE's even work when they graduate.

Anyone fill me in?

>> No.3814489 [View]
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hi /sci/ anyone currently doing a math phd or apply this year. i am apply nextttt year and am looking for some tips or useful information people feel like isnt' common knowledge. please any help or suggestions are welcome

>> No.3774464 [View]
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Sup guys? Trying to learn BASIC (not that stupid language Visual Basic) and I cant get a number to only have two decimals instead of one gazillion.

Any ideas?

In return; awesome penguins

>> No.3760252 [View]
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This is going to sound like such a retarded question, but I really have no idea. I keep getting different answers when I do counter examples and when I try and prove it.

Show the system is linear:

y(t) = A if x(t)>=A
-A if x(t)<=-A
x(t) otherwise.

I keep trying to prove this and I always end up getting that it's linear. But when I do an example like x1(t) = x and x2(t) = x^2 with different A values, y3(t) != y2(t) + y1(t).

Any opinions?

>> No.3741226 [View]
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You are the public health officer in the water treatment facility for a city of 50,000 people. A
concentration of 1.0 ppm of fluoride in the drinking water is sufficient for the purpose of helping
to prevent tooth decay. The compound normally chosen for fluoridation is the same as is found in
some toothpastes, sodium fluoride, NaF.

Calculate how many kilograms of sodium fluoride you will need to purchase in order to fluoridate the city’s water supply for one year, based upon your estimate that the average daily consumption of water is 150 gallons per person

I've figured this out so far but I still don't know the answer yet.

Sodium fluoride, NaF, is 45.0% fluoride by mass.
1 ppm means “one part per million” by mass, e.g., 1 g of fluoride per one million grams of water.
1 gallon = 3.79 L
1 year = 365 days
1 ton = 2000 lb
1 lb = 453.6 g
density of water = 1.0 g/mL

Does anyone know the final result to this problem? Can anyone help out? This was assigned to us among many other questions in a recitation book that they just started to experiment with us. Hell, the professor doesn't even know the 74 people in my class are struggling with this question as well

In return, cute penguins

>> No.3717695 [View]
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Such a dumb question dunno why I'm asking it.

Wondetring if anyone knows the exact way to do this quesiton:

How many ways to choose 3 people such that there are at least 2 males chosen.

my answer: 3choose 2 +1 = 4 ways. Obviously there is a cleaner way to do this but not sure what it is.

>> No.3713293 [View]
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know of any good online pharmacies that don't require a prescription?

>> No.3708560 [View]
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I need help coming up with a research topic for my physics 360 instrumentation class. I really don't know exactly what this professor wants. We just got these new analog to digital boards that take 250,000 data points a second, he likes talking about that. so something that makes use of taking a bunch of points for some kind of thing.

>> No.3699990 [View]
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Hey /sci/ I'm going to become a physician. I'll be going into college and I have no idea what I want to do for my undergrad.... I've thought about it for years but I can't decide.

So I've narrowed it down to three things.

Or Biochemistry

I figure I might look for a job in these fields for a bit before going off to med school. Which of these has the best stability/career opportunity/pay?

Any other suggestions?

Thanks /sci/

>> No.3671175 [View]
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I don't know the english word for it, since i can't even seem to google it in my own language.
But, I'm talking about "Spontan Kinese". It is a theory that states: That animals can suddently appear from nothing, like mosquito comes in the morning, or that fruit flies appears on rotten bananas.

Could anyone be so dear to find a link, or explain it further to me
I'm going to use the theory in a presentation in religion next monday

in return HD penguins

>> No.3664236 [View]
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Hey /sci/, I'm kind of lost as to where I stand in math right now. I know that I need to review things, but I don't know where to start... I've been out of HS for about a year now and the highest class I took was AP Calculus.

I'd like to move on from there.

Tl;dr how2refreshmemoryonmorebasicaAlgebra/Trig/Etc. so I can move on to higher math?
How do I know where I stand now?

>> No.3653857 [View]
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4√(81x^3)/4√(81x^5)??? help simplify? someone anyone please respond oh yeah simplify

>> No.3648634 [View]
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Anyone here at /sci/ ever heard of the Science and Engineering Magnet High School? If so what are your opinions on it?

Picture 100% unrelated.

>> No.3628914 [View]
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Let's say you have a 50% chance of winning something. What are the chances of you losing 6
times in a row?

1/how many times?

>> No.3620312 [View]
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Physicists, come hither.
What happens after The Big Freeze?
When stars burn all the hydrogen so new stars cannot form.
How did the big bang explode faster than the speed of light?

Thats all. Answer, both, one, or none :P
Pic unrelated. Damn penguins.

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