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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4474437 [View]
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Is it normal for any race to hate other other ones?

For example, I'm white and pretty much hate almost all asians. Some of them are cool but the majority I meet I immediately think they fucking stink and annoy the shit out of me.

Do asian people think the same things about white people?

>> No.4462223 [View]
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ITT: we post the hardest course we've taken so far

For me it was calc I.

>> No.4457669 [View]
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Im suppose to make a vector that reflects any other vector about a line that goes through the point (3,2) and makes an angle of 40 degrees with the positive x-axis (excuse the poor english)

>> No.4455382 [View]
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>> No.4452604 [View]
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why cant i into game theory? theoretically, i understand the concepts, but doing it whit numbers just fucks me hard.

is there a web page that explains game theory exercises easily?

>> No.4450048 [View]
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HI /sci/ can you give a situation wherein you effectively put game theory into action?

>> No.4447505 [View]
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i just started with physics 1 and as now it's just axioms over axioms.. will it ever get better?

>> No.4443047 [View]
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Can someone with economics knowledge explain this to me?

"... --> free trade could make a country worse off if its competitive advantage proved to be in a product whose export prices grew more slowly than the country's import prices <--"

why would either price grow?? /confused

Here's the quote in context:
"Export pessimists claimed to have found a major flaw in Free Trade theory, related to the 'lock-in' problem, that not all sectors were the same for development and that --> free trade could make a country worse off if its competitive advantage proved to be in a product whose export prices grew more slowly than the country's import prices <--"

>> No.4440540 [View]
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Hey /sci/,
I've got a problem that i think you may be able to fix. I have an upcoming biology assignment that pretty much let's us do whatever experiment we want. The problem is, I'm at a loss as to what to do. I really need a good mark for this and was wondering if you guys had any interesting experiments that I could do? Any help would be appreciated.

Pic unrelated

>> No.4431520 [View]
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OP here, one more problem

the derivative of

>> No.4428041 [View]
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If i have b that has an uncertainty of 1.71 * 10^-5 and then i take a = 1/b what happens to the uncertainty (of a that is to say)

>> No.4423337 [View]
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How many ceiling mounted photon cannons does your home yield, /sci/?

>pic unrelated

>> No.4395337 [View]
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I just got letters of recommendation from three of my profs this week. Is there anything I should do for them other than thank them verbally like the kiss-ass I am?

pic not related

>> No.4390029 [View]
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/sci/, my mind is fucked.

Gravitons are the bosons that carry gravitational force between particles, right? And every particle in my body is being attracted to the earth by every particle in the earth? And there's no limit to the range of a gravitational field, so the same applies for every particle in the universe?

That would mean that for n particles, you have n(n-1) gravitons, Which is ridiculous.

>> No.4384696 [View]
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i'm taking number theory and i've got the following problem for homework:
Find all solution of x^4 + 2x + 36 = 0 (mod 4375)

i know how to do problems where the mod is something small like 2 or 3, or when it's another polynomial in the mod, but i don't know what the hell to do for this. i've gotten as far as realizing that 4375 is 5^4*7, and i'm guessing that plays into the answer some how, but beyond that i'm not sure how to solve questions like this

>> No.4369572 [DELETED]  [View]
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The rate constant for a first order decomposition reaction is 0.0111 min^-1. What is the half-life of the reaction?
A)111 min
B)62.4 min
C)5000 s
D)31.25 min
E)27.1 min


I'm so mindfucked right now I can't comprehend. A classmate took a shot at it by doing this:

t1/2 = ln2 /k = 0.693 / 0.0111 =63 min ---> 62.4

Where the fuck did the get these numbers/how did he plug them in?

Let alone, is this even fucking right?

>> No.4363503 [View]
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so basically lately ive been thinking a lot about god and what god is or might be. what i came to realize thru many discussions is that god is complete knowledge. Because god is all knowing god is complete knowledge he knows all because thru complete knowledge you can play out any situation and know the outcome. the only change is what actions take place to get your outcome but you will know the final outcome and there for if you know the final out come of one single instance of time you know every instance of time. As for heaven this is a place filled with good people who thru doing what they want aka GOOD or worshiping god they have created a perfect society where no one wants more than they need or has any reason to want more than they need because they have want they want and they are doing what they want all the time. But there is no change which is the reason for the world and the creation of people to populate this perfect society, this heaven. But to get there you have to go thru the trials and tribulations of a worldy body to acend. without the realization that you want to be good on you own and without going thru pain you would not have heaven you would have another earth.

>> No.4346971 [View]
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You must really like these.

>> No.4336118 [View]
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I need a function that maps R to (0,1)

>> No.4307934 [View]
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Calm down by looking at the penguins.

>> No.4291865 [View]
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I'll just leave this here.


>> No.4276298 [View]
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I get the first root of f '(x) = 12x2 - 4(a + b)x + ab to be X = (a + b)/3 -sqrt( (a2 + b2 - ab)/6 ) but my answersheet says X = (a + b)/6 -sqrt( (a2 + b2 - ab)/6 )

I don't understand where (a+b)/6 can come from 4(a+b) divided by 12? I divide the entire thing with 12 to get something I can use the version of the quadratic formula I use.

>> No.4269641 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can anyone here explain how free will can/cannot exist, from a metaphysical point of view? Thanks

>> No.4268583 [View]
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[spoiler]fuck m@th</spoiler>

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