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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3059657 [View]
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You can see by the posts of the people that they are not lowlife junkies.
Educated people also do drugs.
Welcome to my world.

>> No.2262412 [View]
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Why haven't scientists left their countries ruled by small minded politicians and founded their own sovereign state governed on the principles of scientifically informed policies instead of ideology where they'll be free to pursue their work freely?

>> No.2189004 [View]
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I propose we architect a society founded on scientific method and the process of elimination.

The Society would be secular and the freedom of and from religion would be secured
The Society would reject ideology which entails rejection of most historical systems of governance
Rejection of democratic vote as the default decision making process does not entail fascism
The Society has reciprocal responsibilities to the responsibilities of the person
The Society must be scalable and should not fail under high population
The Society would supplement at least one pre-existing society through a transition process
The Society would necessarily be open and inclusive to participation by present and future generations
Contribution by the participants of the society would be a necessity only where machines can not be implemented given current technological limitations
An economy is not a system of money. It’s a system of information, space, and time. Action and energy are derivatives.
Technological unemployment is an expected and desirable outcome to iterate towards as it frees up people to work on other projects
The objective of the society is to systematically eliminate the largest pools of human-dependent labor which require the least effort to automate first.
People who have been unemployed need to be not only retained but empowered and enabled to further contribute to Technological unemployment efforts.
People give us the baseline needs of the society in a per unit basis. The material needs are the easiest to meet and the easiest to estimate, so it is with material needs that we should start.
We can reduce the physical problem of the society to how to build a structure which most efficiently distributes and links people and resources among the most socioeconomically beneficial tasks.

The only concern of the society would be the advancement of the participants of the society socially, psychologically, and physiologically.

>> No.2188991 [DELETED]  [View]
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I propose we architect a society founded on scientific method and the process of elimination.

The Society would be secular and the freedom of and from religion would be secured
The Society would reject ideology which entails rejection of most historical systems of governance
Rejection of democratic vote as the default decision making process does not entail fascism
The Society has reciprocal responsibilities to the responsibilities of the person
The Society must be scalable and should not fail under high population
The Society would supplement at least on pre-existing society through a transition process
The Society would necessarily be open and inclusive to participation by present and future generations
Contribution by the participants of the society would be a necessity only where machines can not be implemented given current technological limitations
An economy is not a system of money. It’s a system of information, space, and time. Action and energy are derivatives.
Technological unemployment is an expected and desirable outcome to iterate towards as it frees up people to work on other projects
The objective of the society is to systematically eliminate the largest pools of human-dependent labor which require the least effort to automate first.
People who have been unemployed need to be not only retained but empowered and enabled to further contribute to Technological unemployment efforts.
People give us the baseline needs of the society in a per unit basis. The material needs are the easiest to meet and the easiest to estimate, so it is with material needs that we should start.
We can reduce the physical problem of the society to how to build a structure which most efficiently distributes and links people and resources among the most socioeconomically beneficial tasks.

The only concern of the society would be the advancement of the participants of the society socially, psychologically, and physiologically.

>> No.2152863 [View]
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Not so much that there is something to vote on as it requires the participation of others and my proposal is provisional.

>> No.2115322 [View]
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Here's the pivotal paper.

>> No.2102935 [View]
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So. You're saying in the discussion of scientific matters regarding the emotional state of a test subject, emotion is more important than reason?

Makes sense I guess. Assuming what you or I thought about this mattered. I'm here to openly examine a couple of phenomena. To demonstrate human reason at it's finest.

I'm treating this like it was a tape recorded that had attitude and talked back while I was making notes. It gets meta of course when the tape recorder starts mis-recording my notes and critiques and I start responding to the same.

>> No.2079845 [View]
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Its time for that gritty stuff that separates the Scientists and Med Students from the random Jackass who watched the discovery channel now and then.

Be warned the shit I am posting is legit gross out material. It is scientific in nature and I figured you fellows would enjoy the extreme stuff.


>> No.2079831 [View]
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This thread is dedicated to all of that disgusting shit that makes science and the scientists who love it legendary in their own right. Get ready for some awesome shit because this is the kind of thing that makes Med Students Jizz their Pants.


But seriously, if you get grossed out by blood and gore then you may want to ignore the link

>> No.2054399 [View]
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Same argument could be posed against transgendered people. The reality is that if you see enough psychologists and psychiatric specialist, you can get a doctor to make alterations to your physiology. Especially if the alterations are not, in and of themselves, life threatening.

My argument for such an occasion comes down to if I have a healthy body why is it degrading daily? I could begin replacing parts to preempt the deleterious effects of a decaying organ. Needs a couple of technological leaps before I would approach anyone about it, but we're well on our way and the conditions necessary are likely to develop in my lifetime.

If it comes to extremes, I am preparing myself to be fully capable of carrying out the necessary operations myself, and I would be willing to ply my services. I imagine there are others who would do similar.

>> No.2043873 [View]
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Here's the thing, empirically establish morality. Do it. Show me evidence for the existence of objective morality. Culturally-determined, socially-determined, individually-determined, subjective, or any logical fallacy-based theory of morality is out of bounds. First two are appeals to authority or argument ad populum.

As it stands, notions like meaning and purpose lack empirical standing. Ideologies are not falsifiable even in principle. The greek's notions of virtue? Not scientific. Emanuel Kant's notion of the categorical imperatives? Not scientific.

Point me to an empirical theory of ethics or morality in with scientific standing.

>> No.2024266 [View]
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Technological advances in the next 50 years.....

These are real considering the Data I have read on the topics.
1) Hologram technology becomes a reality when the first commercially available hologram projectors reach the market. These will eventually be marketed during the holidays to replace trees with holographic projections of Xmas trees.

2) Tattoos become more popular among the majority of the population after the creation of a new type of ink that can be removed with one laser treatment

3) Laptops begin to lose their folding plasma and LED screens and are replaced with a transparent thin sheet screen. These screens are flexible and easily replaced making them more popular among consumers

4) The first generation of organs are grown using stem cells. These organs will eventually be grown commercially and bought and sold.

5) The Majority of front line Military Units are given "Robot" soldiers. These "soldiers" are electronic jeeps with turrets on the top that are controlled by trained pilots in a safe zone away from the battlefield. This helps curb the gradual drop in civilians joining the Military.

>> No.1728157 [View]
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When do you see a cure or new treatment for all forms of allergies?

I feel like its one of those little things we should hammer out so people can have more enjoyment in life. I know personally that I can't enjoy my favorite fruits without an itchy throat attack after.

How long do you think it will take? 10 years? 15? 20?

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