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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4079477 [View]
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a. The form of the normal probability distribution is illustrated by the bell-shaped normal curve.
b. The probability density function of a normal probability distribution is determined by its mean μ and standard deviation σ.
c. Normal probability distribution is a discrete probability distribution.
d. Normal probability distribution is the most important probability distribution for describing a continuous random variable.

>> No.2696277 [View]
File: 90 KB, 646x536, carl_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delve as deep into science as you possibly can.
I envy you for having a true passion, an interest in something. This is a gift, use it. Imagine the hordes of people who are interested in the usual boring shit (music instruments, video games, etc).

This is what makes you unique. For the love of God, don't waste what many of us want so badly.
Get the sheep's brain, fucking get a human brain, explore as much as you can, for it is curious minds like yours that will propel us into the future.

>> No.2688285 [View]
File: 90 KB, 646x536, carl_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got money
Fucked bitches
Explored the wonders of the cosmos

>> No.2661663 [View]
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In my opinion, Cosmos is a fusion of Science and Art.

Entertainment through knowledge, a heartfelt, shared journey through the imagination, a beautiful display of the awesome machinery of nature.

>> No.2627430 [View]
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Got it bro:


>> No.2600932 [View]
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First, watch this:

/sci/, I think we have a problem.
Here I assume that one of our goals is fostering popular enthusiasm for science, math, and technology.
I've seen a huge fucking amount of elitism within circles of math/science majors (Most are not as bad as pre-med, but still). It's always about comparing majors, constantly reminding everyone of how fucking awesome your major is and how it is the most difficult of all, etc. (This exists in every subject, but more so in math/sci).
This behavior just serves to turn people away from these beautiful subjects, encouraging them to take up easier subjects (Art, sociology, women's studies, etc.)
When we are asked a question, we tend to ridicule the question-asker because of how fucking stupid their question was, rather than encouraging inquisitive behavior and free thought.
Sure someone's idea or question may be full-retard, but we should treat them a bit more respectfully.

So /sci/, I ask you kindly, can we all agree to act with a little more humility and acceptance, for the future of science and technology?

>> No.2581861 [View]
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bamp for answers

>> No.2519325 [View]
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I was Christian up until about a year ago.
Mind you, I wasn't really Christian in the traditional sense, I followed the rules, tried to be the best I could be, but never went on mission trips, got "on fire" for God, etc. I was very, very skeptical of what others would claim (one churchgoer claimed that at summer camp, during worship, powdered gold rained onto the worshippers and, upon being analyzed, was found to be extremely pure.)
Needless to say, after experiencing NOTHING supernatural or outside of my own mind, I started having doubts.
The tipping point came when I looked up science videos online. I was curious about the theory of evolution, all that I was taught was that it was complete garbage and that Darwin was an agent of Satan, etc. So I saw videos from the fucking man himself, Carl Sagan, which took away my mental image of the selfish, twisted, unfeeling atheist.
I became more and more interested in science, a huge event was when I watched "A Universe From Nothing," a lecture by Lawrence Krauss. It kind of blew my mind, and suddenly, in my mind, the possibility opened up of a universe that came into being without a God! It was such a freeing moment, when I realized that a God was NOT NECESSARY! For a few months, I tried ignoring God. completely ignoring him.
I noticed ABSOLUTELY no change in my quality of life.

I've never looked back. I never want to go back to that constant fear of hell and sin and punishment. I've learned that life should be lived for its own sake, not treated like a desolate waiting room.

>> No.2483478 [View]
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Finally! A rational reason!

>> No.2464283 [View]
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Uh, nobody has mentioned Cosmos yet.

So Cosmos.

>> No.2453632 [View]
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Here's how we fix this:
1. If someone asks a question, don't go LOL SERIOUSLY HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THE 4 FORCES OF EVOLUTION, answer their question respectfully and don't give them an even greater aversion to science and math.
2. We need someone to step up to the God Tier and make science popular. Someone needs to try to be (Keyword: "try) to be on par with Carl Sagan, channeling your passion for these beautiful subjects into enthusiasm to share with any and all who sound even remotely interested.

>> No.2444773 [View]
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i ain't even mad

>> No.2365277 [View]
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>the humanities have bonded many separate groups of people together

>> No.2345008 [View]
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>Human Evolution class
>Christians and muslims, christians and muslims everywhere
>End of semester: my Christian friend becomes a believer in darwinian evolution, not the 6 days bullshit

>> No.2310896 [View]
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Host of the show "Cosmos" and author of many books, he is famous for popularizing science and making it an even more beautiful topic. He's the one who got me interested in science.

Pic related.

>> No.2293573 [View]
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>> No.2170891 [View]
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>Google chrome
>open in new incognito window
>replay works
>my face when

>> No.2141801 [View]
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>mfw she referenced me

>> No.1773278 [View]
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>> No.1750758 [View]
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/Sci/, what is the best website for having scientific concepts explained to you as if you had the intelligence of a 14 year old girl with Down's Syndrome? For example, stellar aberration. Pic related, the greatest teacher in the history of history.

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