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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9787637 [View]
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As a man of science.. how are you not OBSESSED with death?

All these millions of years and years an uncountable number of creatures and humans died. All lived, reproduced, died and eventually evolved into us.

Evolution has never been about the survival of the individual. It was always about the survival of a species. It has never been in evolution’s interest to keep us around longer than necessary. This is why I believe we naturally do not allow us to really think about death.
When was the last time you seriously were conscious and it just HIT you, realizing that one day.. you will die and disappear in nothing, permanently. Have you ever?

I believe our goal in life is to achieve IMMORTALITY. Not only is it possible, it is inevitable. Life is way too short and meaningless to just simply live it like we were biologically ment too.
I realize now life is a game. A game of survival and when you die, its game over.
We have been playing this seemingly unwinnable game for far too long. We are ready to break out of it.

Join me. Dedicate your life in any way possible to the inevitable invention of immortality. The more scientists getting involved, the sooner it will be here and the bigger chance we have it will be in our own life time.

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