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>> No.16137511 [View]
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Back when I was growing up, this was in the 1900s btw, even back then they would say that only a small percentage of a person's behavior was caused by nature rather than nurture. You have never met a person who didn't grow up in the world around them. We are formed by the world around us. Children will try and live up to the expectations of adults, no matter what those expectations are. If you expect a child to fail, and let them know that, they probably will. Same with success. This is what you should be focusing on, because 97% of that child's potential can be nurtured. Middle eastern people raised in an un-rapey society won't be rapey. If a white person is hateful, if a jew is greedy, if a black person is violent, 97% of that is because they were made that way because the people around them expected them to be that way. Yes there are differences between races, but when you can form such a high percentage of a person not to be whatever negative aspect you're thinking of, you have a responsibility to do right by that person and pretend the 3% doesn't exist, or the child will infer that their nature is the reason they fail at a given thing, and they'll stop trying. Worse, they might decide that their natural behavioral differences are a strength, a uniqueness, a weapon.
Humans were born with weapons in hand, we are very good at using them. Our species never existed in a time without sharpened sticks and rocks and fire, the previous human species got all that shit up and running and then we killed them off.

I understand your commitment to the truth, but you have to avoid using the truth in ways that weaken society. The truth is the different subspecies of humans don't really get along with each other, because humans that look different have always presented a threat to our tribes, whichever tribe that may be. Diversity isn't a strength, it's a weakness. If you have to split a diamond in half, you split it along a natural flaw. That flaw in our diamond is race.

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