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>> No.8500158 [View]
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I've given this a lot of thought and study over the years and the most ideal climate for civilizations it seems is the weather typically found in Europe.

Africa only requires the bare minimum to consistently get by. The climate is literally just hot as fuck so all you need to do is operate around one weather pattern and you're good. This also is added with nearly every game you can hunt is cunting massive and one days work feeds your group for a week and there's never a lul in resource obtainment.

In Europe you have to operate around 4 different seasons, 2 of which are mild enough to give ample opportunity to try out new tactics and tech to better operate in the other 2. You have forests which give you a lot of shit to work with and it rains a decent amount so you can get massive farm yields allowing more people to focus on tech advancement. Typically with tech advancement you see them decide to build bigger and better things because they can.

Here's the biggest ha-ha part of it all. Stonememes in Bongistan was built by hunter-gatherers. They had the man powerful if multiple groups worked together, got clever, spread out the project over a good period of time, and were consistently well off enough to drain resources into such efforts. This is in contrast to African hunter-gatherer groups who got by just well enough to not starve to death.

Being in a Bio Anthro program has been the biggest red-pill despite all the attempts at a subtle blue-pill. Africans have 10,000 years of evolution telling them to be little better than chimps and do just enough to scrape by. The type we typically call "black" and not "nigger" is a genetic anomaly heavily influenced by white culture. They look at white culture and say "I want to be apart of that!" while 98% of nigs say "I can leech off of that" or "Fuck that white shit, nigga."

>> No.8127729 [View]
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Anthropology (Former Bio-cuck)
>Assume I want to get into law school
>When informed I don't want to be a lawyer I want to be an anthropolgist assume my goal in life is to work at memebucks
Pre-law fags annoy me but not as much as med fags.
>Assume I'm knowledgeable about every cultural group to ever exist
>What do you think about cultural appropriation?
>Tell me all about random facts about dead civilizations
>So it's basically history?
>How many languages do you speak? Do you know Spanish? Spanish is super useful! Ugh why are you learning French?

When I majored in Biology
>Assumed I wanted to be a doctor
>When told I wanted to be a biologist, not a doctor assumed that I only want to be a biologist because I know I couldn't make it as a doctor
Pre-med fags are cancer.
>Assume I'm autistic and knowledgeable about plants and shit

>> No.8014840 [View]
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