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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15870416 [View]
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>>15858483 >>15859186
How is it going, OP; did you try any recommendations? People here care.

>> No.11891172 [View]
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>I've done a good amount of reading and i have subsequently found that Autism and ADHD have a lot in common.
Such as? Genuinely curious.
>is it possible that they are on the same spectrum and are just varying degrees of the same mental illness much like Autism and Asburgers?
I cannot see that unless you make the spectrum so all inclusive it loses all meaning. Personally I suspect the recent trend to put these on the same spectrum or even raise comorbidity as an issue, is the potential to ram Ritalin down the throats of yet another million children.
>also can someone explain how ADHD and Depression are linked?
Are they?
People who get their diagnosis late say they want the lost decades of their life back. When a condition goes undiagnosed for 30 years people will feel bad.
A female colleague of mine checks all the boxes but probably has no diagnosis, and she feels bad. And II don't dare raise this issue since it may make things worse the way she feels now.

Stay comfy, anon, pic. related.

>What would an autistic person do in a hunter gathering tribe?
Pull the tribe out of the hunter gatherer life style and enter the next stage of civilisation. Autists take strange turns where normies just stumble on in the same direction as before, not realising it is a circle.

>> No.11469986 [View]
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Just how?
Dogs are comfy.

>> No.10274827 [View]
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>which is part of why I study physics
Physicist here. I didn't do too badly in school, and started as a PhD student. There I met a post doc who was so far ahead in intelligence, skills and knowledge that I wondered if we were the same species. Anything from science to poetry, calligraphy and new languages are not a problem. I was pretty devastated and thought I had no chance of getting a job if this was the norm. Turns out that was not the case.

Not everyone picks up a Nobel prize in Physics, yet people like you and me can still make useful contributions to society. We /will/ make a difference. Unlike the top tier we just have to work harder but we will get there. I had a lot of setbacks, sure, but these days life is a lot better.

Enjoy a nice doggo, anon.

>> No.9924730 [View]
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>Autistic people have a much more varied intelligence.
Since far more males than females are autistic, could this explain the statistical variance of intelligence between males and females?

>You get 40 IQ severe autistis who are almost animalistic meat puppets, and then you have 160 IQ savant geniuses who go into math and physics.
Physicist here. A former colleagues of mine, also a physicist, has top degrees from top universities and checks all the boxes. He might very well clock up 160 in a test. Unfortunately he has big problems with people, not sure he is happy with his lot.

>It's a good sacrifice imo.
I am not sure. I have a few more colleagues who seem to be on the spectrum, apparently there are quite a lot in my profession. It does seem to be a huge sacrifice, and prospects of getting children are pretty dim.

>I actually wonder what a society inhabited by only autists would be like, no joke.
It would at least be mindblowingly logical. And very quiet both acoustically and in terms of colours and shapes. A friend of mine has superhuman hearing and was distracted by sounds I could hardly hear and my hearing is also above normal.

>I imagine the crime rate would be low but the suicide rate in the triple digits though. Autistic people have a suicide rate 68x higher than the national average, which I find pretty sad 2bh.
Yes, that is sad. Even worse the statistics for drowning is also pretty severe. Comfy pic. very much needed now.

>> No.9853803 [View]
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Not him, nevertheless:
>1) How much extra work does this involve?
Probably a bit not not too overwhelming

>2) What can you get out of this that you can't get out of other, simpler methods?
This is /sci/: hard facts and measurements with error bars trump opinions any day.

>3) Do the results justify that extra work?

Stats-anon is doing a good job and I salute his efforts. Data science is a major buzzword these days and his work is a lot better than a lot of other gunk I see passes as "science." It is also an effort that involves /sci/ and provides an excellent opportunity to think, not just about the results but also the methods and the implications, the conclusions and also the pit falls, about who we are in here and how there is a huge variation.

>> No.9176341 [View]
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>Why cant we just look at cute things instead?
We can di that too.

>Do we REALLY need to understand every aspect of the world around us?
It is in the human nature and that is what has enabled a reasonably pleasant life style and a great life expectancy.

>> No.9115130 [View]
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Dogs evolved with humans. If they feel guilt etc is controversial but I think they do. Our dog would behave oddly if he had done something wrong, even before we knew what had happened.

Dogs also dream.

>> No.9062906 [View]
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When we say we love dogs, we do not mean we promote beastiality, anon.

>> No.8666223 [View]
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Health field really seems like the future. I think the bio- majors will be a nice fit to me. I probably need to let go of med, despite the many benefits.

I will have to talk to people working in the fields as well but thanks for giving some honest info in the majors.

I think i will need to look more into bioeng, bioenergy and other majors along this line.

Thanks a lot for your help

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