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>> No.14772997 [View]
File: 72 KB, 483x805, real_astronomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is his "1 Gyr Impossibly old early galaxy"? Fucking lol. I knew he was full of shit but this takes the biscuit.
He's not even fitting the data, he's just putting some lines together that he has picked. Naturally he has deleted the error bars and assumed the unconfirmed redshift is correct. All of his "models" are clearly inconsistent with the data.
If you want to seriously show a galaxy requires 1 Gyr stars you have to actually do some fitting. Show that only models with impossibly early stellar populations provide acceptable fits. Pic related is one such fit of a high redshift galaxy. One can see that there are larger uncertainties and the parameters are correlated. You cannot just ignore this intrinsic uncertainties and decide how old a galaxy is. One also can't just pretend emission lines don't exist, at that redshift [OIII] is in the red-most filter, models need to include it.
Also the LePhare SED model clearly provides a much better fit than any of Lerner's but typically these models require the ages to be less than the age of the universe.
This is crack-head astronomy. Naturally he hasn't put this in a paper because it's fucking abysmal. And I see he is still using Excel, the cherry on top of the steaming turd.

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