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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15377351 [View]
File: 96 KB, 1118x936, Deer-ter-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is just an overused elon musk joke - where have you been? they work on rockets. rockets explode when things go wrong. things go wrong often enough that they made a jokey way to describe explosions. The joke has been used for so long, so many times, that it is just dumb and annoying now.

you're either a shitty troll or are so unfamiliar with the topic that your opinions on the matter are irrelevant.

>> No.15345778 [View]
File: 96 KB, 1118x936, Deer-ter-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to hate your schedule and have almost no work/life balance, sure (even worse than most areas of practice, that is). Unless you do like, podiatry or something.

WebMD and the internet in general didn't eliminate the need for office visits - it just helped patients be even less appreciative and bigger assholes to us.

Perhaps more notably - before all the chat GPT obsession, there have been multiple times over the past several years that various versions of AI programs have been shown time and time again to be more efficient and more accurate than radiologists in identifying sometimes subtle but major things on imaging... and yet, radiologists haven't been eliminated yet.

TL;DR - Only go into surgery if you want to go into surgery. I kinda assume this is just a troll post, but regardless, chat GPT isn't anywhere near stealing medical jobs. The insurance companies wont let that happen... yet.

>> No.15331295 [View]
File: 96 KB, 1118x936, Deer-ter-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if exercise makes you feel lethargic, worse, and hungry - then might want to make changes around the exercise - different type/intensity/amount; different timing - both in relation to time of day and to meals; what you eat (or don't) prior to said exercise, etc.

Moderate activity shouldn't make you feel worse/shitty - and if it does, even after making changes around how you're doing it - then there might be an underlying health issue that needs addressed

But yes, as far as the general 'why don't we have a drug for' - it is because there are a lot of different pathways/interconnected causes related to this. And even if we can use Drug X to stamp out/modify pathway X and Drug Y to go for pathway Y, and so on and so on... you're likely still going to miss out on what is actually needed; be at high risk for a bunch of undesirable side effects and/or long-term harms; increasing risks of drug interactions; etc

Most of the 'super powerful awesome drugs' are both 'a cancer and a cure' - there technically are things for 'chronic stress' - depending on what you mean by 'stress' - but often the most effective way to correct that is lifestyle modification.

>> No.15281365 [View]
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it is exhibiting one of the textbook symptoms of being forced to live/hang out with insufferable people every day.

>> No.15271791 [View]
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We dont vaccinate babies for the fun of it, ya know? There are reasons. Data. Decades and decades of data to justify use, prove efficacy, and prove safety. Yes, get them vaccinated.

Unless you'd rather roll the dice on blindness, permanent brain damage, death, and other fun shit like that all because the poor kid's dad wasn't smart enough to understand how medical research/guidelines/medicine works.

Ignore all the ramblings about the covid crap, for 1 - completely different situation. For 2 - most people posting about it are idiots who have no idea what they are talking about. There was plenty of retardation in the anti-vax crowd before covid came along, we didn't need even more layers to the retard cake.

Did you know - there ARE vaccines that have higher risks of adverse effects/more severe adverse effects? Such as - smallpox.... and you know what, since we KNOW the risks are more severe/are at a higher frequency than what would be acceptable in the general population for people with a very, very ungodly minimal chance of ever being exposed to smallpox... that is why we DON'T include smallpox as a recommended standard vaccine - and reserve it for very specific groups, such as the military or maybe for people working in labs with the shit.

So there you go - when there are vaccines that have a higher risk/harm potential that far outweighs their benefit except for in ungodly specific/rare circumstances - we DON'T give them to people willy nilly. It's almost like we know what we're doing or something, and that going to university for like 8-10 years is more valuable than just reading crap on the internet.

>> No.15230327 [View]
File: 96 KB, 1118x936, if you ask me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy, women didn't even have a choice in partner or basic rights for most of human history. Female preference has only taken rent-free hold in coomer brains like yours now that degeneracy and female freedoms are at their all time peak. Take a step back and look at how stupid this thread is for a moment.
95th percentile is literally top 5% it's coomer over-exaggeration to nearly the highest degree, please stop asking /sci/ to validate tiny dick size.

>> No.15052223 [View]
File: 96 KB, 1118x936, 1551720119086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But they knew they got sick often when drinking water from streams and lakes.
>They also knew they didn't get sick from drinking mead, beer, wine.
>So humans drank a hella-lot of alcoholic beverages for thousands of years, keeping most people from getting common water borne illnesses.
>1/2 to 1 gallon of beer a day was common in many cultures.
>1 quart to 1/2 gallon of wine as well.
You go drink 22 servings of alcohol in one day and then a few days later drink 22 servings of spring water and report back to us which one makes you more sick anon....

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