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>> No.16224071 [View]
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Also some of the ugliest

>> No.16157129 [View]
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>there isn't even a semitic nation that shares a border with europe.
They do share borders with Africa though, thats why Semites have fat lips, dark complexion, low IQ and curly hair like Africans

>> No.16154296 [View]
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>it only takes looking at a map to realize why that it
You don't even need to do that, just look at a semite and you'll notice that they have fat lips and curly hair just like negroes do

>> No.16037894 [View]
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Semites have a lot of black blood in them, thats why they have dark complexions, curly hair and fat lips

>> No.16036267 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15980844 [View]
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>> No.15968936 [DELETED]  [View]
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>jewish race science: jew bitch whore fucks anything and the child is jewish
and now you know why jews have negro style fat lips and curly hair

>> No.15949673 [View]
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>People cope believing that pretty people are at least dumb.
They're taught that lesson in the jewish media they consume. Jews are all hideous and they take out their jealous of people who aren't ugly by using their media monopoly slanderously

>> No.15913276 [View]
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portraying them realistically is the biggest insult

>> No.15792784 [View]
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>They've twisted that into claiming that trauma can be genetically inherited through the uterus.
It's true for every member of a lesser race in a multicultural society, they all go through life traumatized by their own unflattering comparisons of themselves with their better adapted neighbors. Thats why multiculturalism is a failed idea. It doesn't work because they lesser races are always envious of the master race. Racial segregation works.
Every European nations which was formerly monoethnic or nearly so and subsequently became multicultural is worse off for it.

>> No.15695683 [DELETED]  [View]
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he has jew lips

>> No.15656829 [View]
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dear scientists once you are finished eradicating mosquitos from the earth, could you please genetically modify these little rascals into extinction? thank you.

>> No.15622371 [View]
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Semites are from the one and only land route between Africa and the rest of the world and since Africans were not a seafaring people, Semites were the only ones who interbred with Africans until 400 years ago when the trade in black slaves spread them around. Thats why Semites have fat lips and curly hair, they got that from breeding with Africans

>> No.15380571 [DELETED]  [View]
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you'd probably end up embittered and angry and seeking revenge on humanity too if you were born looking like one of them

>> No.15278182 [DELETED]  [View]
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>the small minority of White people who have a metabolism resembling theirs.
semites are of partially african origin, the only land connection between africa and the civilized world goes through the heart of semite territory. africans can't swim and they can't build boats.
semites have curly hair, fat lips, dark complexions and the smell like shit, just like africans, thats no coincidence. semites to their best to be misaken as white, because thats what they would rather be, but what they really are is half asian/half african. Whites are from europe, there are no native semites in europe, semites are an asian race, israel and all the rest of the semite countries are in asia, not europe.

>> No.15185543 [View]
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An African male and jewish female have sex, the jewish female gives birth to an offspring that looks like a combination of both mommy and daddy, fat lips, curly hair, dark eyes, alienated from every existing culture on earth and looking for revenge against the pureblooded members of those races.

>> No.15122286 [View]
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semites live at the one land passage beween africa and the rest of the world. africans never learned to swim or build boats, so all of the historical race mixing with africans was done by semites. that is why semites have curly hair, fat lips and dark eyes like africans. its in the name of their people, they are semi-whites, but mostly african unfortunately. africans themselves continue to interbreed with chimps to this day, every time the semites race mix with africans they get more of that chimp dna they love so much.

>> No.15099056 [DELETED]  [View]
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semites originate from the only terrestrial passage between african and the rest of the world. semites have curly hair, fat lips and dark eyes because they have substantial african dna. africans in turn continue to interbreed with chimpanzees, so the african part of the semite dna is not even entirely human, they have chimp genes.

>> No.14967885 [View]
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semites are the way that they are because semites are of negro blood, which also explains the semites' dark complexion, afro hair and fat lips

>> No.14873666 [DELETED]  [View]
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why are jews all so hideously ugly?

>> No.14854595 [View]
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>jews try to claim credit for other people's efforts because jews produce nothing at all on their own.
noted, and i can explain why jews aren't capable of producing their own science: semites have most african dna. outside of africa, semites are the group with the largest proportion of african dna. jews have fat lips and curly hair just like africans and jews also share the african's intellectual abilities.

>> No.14819333 [View]
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>> No.14750581 [View]
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picrel is what race mixing does to it's victims

>> No.14556170 [View]
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