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>> No.15246745 [View]
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Listen, I understand you know very little about this. Take a step back and think about the scale of the crime accused, and the evidence you are providing.
Crime: a systematic, state-sponsored purposeful genocide of approximately 6 million jews, mainly in gas chambers using a delousing agent and diesel engine exhaust.
You are providing a confession, and some blurry pictures of dubious authenticity. Please look up what atrocity propaganda is. Now this might maybe work for one murder (but even this would really require it to be a fair trial under some law -- Nuremberg and the like were subject to no law, which was explicitly stated.) I gave you an example of a false confession -- the commanders of Buchenwald confessing to gassing -- despite that being understood to be false even by the most mainstream historians.
Think now, what kind of evidence would you think would suffice for this crime? Why not consider the real and well-documented Cambodian genocide
Maps of 20,000 mass graves containing hundreds of thousands of people. These graves were exhumed, documented, photographed etc.
The eye-witness testimony is tens of thousands of people, who tell a very similar and familiar story of mass incarcerations, and shootings -- nothing out of the ordinary in the history of human conflict. There are records of the Khmer Rouge communications etc. And remember, this genocide is nearly a an order of magnitude smaller than the other alleged one.
I know you are unfamiliar with the evidence. I will honestly tell you what is generally presented as the strongest evidence
>Posen Speeches
>Hoefle Telegram and Koehrr Report (report on >Jewish transports to Treblinka)
>A few dozen eye witness testimonies for the genocide operations (in some cases, less, like the Reinhardt camps (claim~1.5 million people killed (more than Cambodia btw) effectively having one witness at Nuremberg)
>A shady entry in Goebbels's diary.

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