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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10880669 [View]
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Have you checked your testosterone levels?
What is your goal btw? You want visible gains like pic related? It better not be some freakishly huge version of Dwane Johnson. Not everyone has the genetics to achieve that, without rioids(hell, for some people even with roids) even with years of training.
Maybe go to a personal trainer/kinsiologist to get more help. Doctors don't really speceialize in body building, just keeping you healthy, and treating sick people. You don't need lots of muscle to be healthy.
What I mean by study interpretation is, you have to keep study design and confounders in the back of your mind constantly when reading any study. Did you study a lot of statistics?
Not just the sample size, but the target population, how random and representative the population they used is to be able to generalize to a population(is the study relevant to a person like you?), the follow up, etc.

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