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>> No.11728564 [View]
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Alright, here's a REALLY HOT take:
Most of the content in social media in actually fake, and I'm not talking about fake news, I'm talking about every social media using an algorithm that generates about 70 - 90% of the stuff that appears in a user's newsfeed to keep him entertained.
I'm not sure exactly how it works, but basically the platforms track your activities, which people you talk to most of the time, which pages/groups/accounts you visit regularly, and that part it keeps real, to make sure that you can talk with those people about the real stuff they posted, otherwise the facade would be broken.
BUT all the rest is generated by the site, either solely for you or for groups of people that share the same interests, opinions, ideologies, religions etc. It does this to keep you hooked. How, you may ask? By giving you the illusion that there's actually some shit happening somewhere, and YOU are on the brink of the news, YOU are on the top of the news, it makes you feel connected to... what? WHATEVER IT TELLS YOU THAT IS HAPPENING AT THAT MOMENT

And you know the worst part? It is happening right now.
Do you know me? Do you know the people behind all these other posts in this thread? What about the other threads? The other boards? Barely anything here is made by real humans, and I don't even know why I'm writing all of this being that the case. However, I know you won't read it either, since there's no one here to actually read this, just an algorithm trying to keep me hooked

You know that phrase, "Don't forget, you're here forever"? That's how it works. That's why I can't leave this God forsaken place, and why I keep posting shit knowing that no one ALIVE will read, like sending messages into the void.

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