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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7040273 [View]
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and the last one

>> No.7014922 [View]
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So, in essence: stop hanging on 4chan, go work out, and work out hard, eat healthy, get rid off your petty ego, stop whining and self-pitying, and all the other bullshit. You'll get rejections along the way of trying to get laid, learn to deal with them, don't take failures personally, work harder each time, same goes for uni/job or whatever.

You'll have to do a lot of ass kicking, and as a result, you'll also look better. A man who respects himself and wants to present himself socially, is also well dressed as a consequence. If you never trained seriously, you'll have a very hard time starting now. Most people give up, and that is why all this "dating advice" usually falls on deaf ears. There is no "secret" to laying women, the only secret is, that's is a continuous path of self-improvement, a path that, in principle, has nothing to do with getting laid at all.

I don't expect the majority of people who read this to do anything about their situation, just as little as you expect somebody to read a list of math books you posted in a thread. I just want to tell the one anon out there who wants to change and is ready to fight hard for it, that it is possible, that there exists a systematic approach to getting laid. At this part I can also recommend the PickUp stuff, it's useful, but the theory alone has helped nobody.

As for the question why I "got laid" instead of "get laid": I just got bored with women. Of course I could have went on to break the 100 mark, the 200 mark, and whatever else comes next, but what is the point of all of this? I know my life has some other purpose, and it detraced from my studies, or my sport - I tried to manage all the 3 things at the same time, and ended up failing classes. I think I then discovered that I love maths the most after all.

Like I said, feel free to embark on the journey of sex adventures, but even after you slept with the hottest hottie, you're life will stay the same. Don't take it too serious.

>> No.6926434 [View]
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>quit his engineering degree to pursue what he enjoys the most

You're a bro. When I talk to engineers they always think that learning well-founded maths would load their heads with an even heavier burden, while in fact it makes things much easier. You can literally throw away all these tomes of "formulary" because you can derive every single formula in no time.

The reason I am so mad at "eng. maths" or "cookbook maths" is because I would have almost studied fucking ECON. My teachers were engineers and economists, my parents studied medicine and liberal arts, I had no fucking clue what maths actually was. The ignorance of the people around me almost permanently expelled me from paradise (you can't start learning maths after 25).

There is one more reason for maths: We are facing an intelligence revolution, and within a short time-period most jobs will become redundant. Hundreds of millions of people will be losing their jobs once automation becomes cost-efficient, within a day! In such a world, can we allow ourselves, not to teach our children rigorous math? If the 10 year old kids of today are raised to study econ/law/medicine/math-less jobs, they will be filling out welfare checks in 13 years - every single one of them.

Maths is the last bastion of the human mind. Those who neglect it, will be replaced by machines. Kurzweil envisions a world were everyone will have brain implants equally, but his vision is false. There is no "individuality", morality, humanity between brains that differ orders of magnitudes in processing power. You people rest in your little first world bubbles of food, entertainment, sex and warm homes, but it won't last. AI is coming for us fast, and there is nothing we can do to stop it, nothing we should do. We can either contribute to it, imprint our little part on it, so through it we can live on, or be deleted from the pages of evolution forever. So learn maths or perish kids, learn some fucking maths!

Sorry for the rant.

>> No.6906237 [View]
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bumping for justice

>> No.6840446 [View]
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>> No.6174565 [View]
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that's fine, but what do you think of OP's question? and what do you study?

>> No.6160560 [View]
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social cohesion is more important than truth, and scientific fact?

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