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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3672317 [View]
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1298438334363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the meaning of life? Is there one?

Of course fucking not, stop being so silly, and grow up kid.

>Or are we all just things?

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.3661208 [View]
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1298438334363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It called science and math you dumbfuck. You should pick up a textbook on cosmology and general relativity if you are interested in the calculations and shit. Most are not actually that hard and are easy enugh to be given as HW in grad Physics courses.

Actually the big bang did create space. You need to pick up a book kid.

>> No.3160392 [View]
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1298438334363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ebonics for "your dick is small, and your bf left you for a big black cock". Try not to cry yourself to sleep OP.

If you apologize they may be nice enough to let you watch them fuck.

>> No.2588981 [View]
File: 64 KB, 785x421, 1289338383608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really even used? all through school i was taught about the scientific method and how necessary it is for scientific advancement.

today i read professional scientific journals of science saying that we don't need it, justifying the lack of its use, and explaining that with just mathematical theory alone we can verify anything.

Is this really true, we don't need to physically show that something can physically occur in order for it to be classed as real, instead we just get shown equations we don't understand and are told that x y and z are real mathematically and therefore are really real?

Sorry for the poor writing.


If a modern physicist proves something mathematically and no one can show that his math is wrong/invalid in some way, is it automatically true.

If something is mathematically true (within a mathematical physical model) does this necessitate that it is physically true as well, or can something be true within a model, but then actually not work in reality, while the mathematical model itself is still generally accurate for most things?

If the latter is the correct standpoint, why do these physicists and shit get away with not doing anything to prove their theories? Obviously many do in fact try to physically prove their shit, but many don't as well and it pisses me off.

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