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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5904085 [DELETED]  [View]
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is pi really infinite? why?

>> No.4536078 [View]
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Graduated with a degree in biology (yeah, inb4 "not science") at a "Christian" university. Non of the profs actually believed in shit like that, but the student body had a sprinkling of crazy.

Day 1 Bio 300 something Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
>Prof starts talking about gene flow.
>Student raises hand.
>Prof: "Yes?"
>Student, "If I were to release this pencil from my hand what would you expect to happen?"
>Prof: "What are you talking about... it would fall. Why?"
>Student: "But according to gravity there's a tiny chance it will float. If that tiny chance doesn't happen you can't expect me to believe the incredibly small chance that life evolved from random chemicals."
>Collective facepalm followed by professor providing a week-long bitchslap on abiogenesis.

Here's one from Physics class. I was in intro physics with a few other pre-meds. One of who was a rather rude kid named Alan.
>Professor is going off on a rather cool Bill Nye like tangent into Brownian motion.
>Alan raises hand. Prof: "Yes alan?"
>Alan: "Why are we talking about this? Is this gonna be on the test?"
>Prof: "You know why I love teaching this class, Alan?"
>Alan: "Why?"
>Prof: "It keeps dumbasses like you out of medical school."
>Class laughs
Guess which one of us got into medical school...

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