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If you appear on this list you are not welcome on this thread.

>"Why go to space when we have problems on Earth"fags/ climate doomers
>Venusian Cloud Balloon posters
>Aerospike truthers
>SSTO truthers
>Balloon/ airplane/ Mt. Everest launch advocates
>Nuclear-only 'solar will never work on Mars' autists
>anarcho-primitivists return to monkefags
>flat earthers/ space is fake posters
>UFO/ tictac believers
>space elevator/ carbon memeotube/ launch loop mega structure tards
>transhumanists/ 'bro why explore space just become a machine'fags
>don't change the planet, change the human genome posters
>Muh atmosphere muh Mars has no magnetic field alarmists
>Lagrange magnet juggalos clowns
>'Musk is a fraud' TSLA shorters
>Elon's shill
>oldspace boomers
>BO "slow and steady"tards
>Ironic shitposting Boing/ SLS/ Lockmart shills
>Unironic Boing/ SLS/ Lockmart cost-plus defenders
>Butthurt Russians/ Chinese nationalists
>Europoor ESA/ Arianne defenders
>4ASS posters
>"Why send people a robot will do a better job"tards
>Mars settlers
>EMDrive truthers
>Planetary protection never explore anywhere smoothbrains
>FTL or busters
>Suspended animation/ generation ship fags
>Zubrin's beggars
>jellobaby alarmists
>You have to go to the moon firsters
>/r/SpaceXMasterrace redditors
>"A private corporation shouldn't control spaceflight, we need an accountable government"shills
>Space travel is white privilege/ colonialism/ racism and SpaceX and NASA need more diversity fags
>Space Nazi
>anthropomorphized rocket anime waifu posters
>dolphin sexers
>Sea Dragon autists
>Orion redneck

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