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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16189773 [View]
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>I bet it would be piss fucking easy for a sufficiently advanced alien to pretend to be God and convince the world He exists
Then why hasn't he?

>> No.16072320 [View]
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>A bunch of little space atoms is less complex than some sort of recurrent infinity in every single cubic nanometer of space
And? A single solid form is less complex than a bunch of little space atoms, that doesn't mean reality is any less complex, your argument makes no sense and is a completely baseless assumption.

>> No.10565891 [View]
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 100607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. By the sheer number of your posts on this board and others, it could be said that you're constantly aggressive by your own logic.

>> No.10129310 [View]
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It's a moot point, but it does show a 2D analogue to the 3D (or even higher D) working of gravity. It's a good intro, only a fool would pursue a degree in physics and take it literally, rather, use it to for the correct picture and model in your mind.

>> No.9735079 [View]
File: 42 KB, 300x300, whatdoyouhaveonme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't control what you think and feel, you only control how you react to what you think and feel

>> No.9166874 [View]
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what does /sci/ think of economics majors?

>> No.9050733 [View]
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>software (wisdom) is also important.
It is more important. I don't care what your IQ is if you are an idiot. It may as well be 95.

Some people have Toyota Corollas with little engines and they drive 100mph on the highway every day, and they very quickly pass the guy in the powerful Corvette who hasn't driven it past 60mph in his entire life. Your personality is what matters.

>> No.9008997 [View]
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but yes, neuroplasticity allows us to change. Any genius can become a shadow of their former self by bumming around, watching television, (shitposting on 4chan), eating junk food all day, not exercising, whatever. You see this constantly with people burning out. That's what burning out is. They just stop trying, stop giving a shit, and they just lose it, they stop sharpening their knife so it just gets dull and rusty, and they're done.

You aren't set in stone. You can become more efficient, and optimize yourself. Your genetics/environment growing up/nutrition growing up/experience growing up - all of that shit just shapes your personality and has a small effect on """how smart""" you are. Anyone with the potential can become a dumbie or extremely intelligent and knowledgeable.

All of the smartest people I've ever talked to had slumps where I was definitely above them intellectually because they stopped trying. Your actions matter quite a lot. You aren't this constant genius or dumbie, you can change, very easily too. if you already had the potential

>> No.8906100 [View]
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Is fire a particle or a wave?

>> No.7606854 [View]
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>freshmen in calc 1
If you think this is hard, prepare your diddly hole my man

>> No.7532765 [View]
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I said none of that, but then again, reading must be difficult for engineers. I suggest you stick with pushing buttons on the shiny board with all the lights.

>> No.7459431 [View]
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>I disagree with this

No anon, you get the fuck >>>/out/

>> No.7305890 [View]
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>my face when this thread
Oh my, so much butthurt uneducated dropout plebs. I bet you couldn't even do basic integrals, let alone it's triple variant. I despise sad losers like OP who think true education can be obtained from downloading a pdf, just to glance at it then never open it again.

>muh autodidact
Hahah, don't even make me laugh. You have the attention-span of an insect (which is why you come here in the first place) then complain about how unfair college/university is for you. If only you hadn't such a low IQ.

Get on my level, don't be bitter. Peace out!

>> No.7299148 [View]
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1433052215098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre already out. youre a 3-d object lying on the face of a 2-d surface. basically if youre facing up that is (back against the wall facing forwatd) walk away. the door is irrelevent. if your question were how to get through then walk around.

>> No.7081394 [View]
File: 42 KB, 300x300, 1376516554466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if serious or just a subtle astronomical volume pun.

Because we know why they form. MinutePhysics on YouTube does a pretty good job at demonstrating nebulae->galaxies, and gravity's influence on the galactic brachyons (i.e. "stuff") holds it together.

>> No.6969974 [View]
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What does that even mean? I've heard the term thrown around so often that it's lost all meaning to me. If someone says "I'm studying astrophysics," what does it mean, and what kinds of careers are out there for them?

>> No.6573085 [View]
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Got you faggots some reading material:

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