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>> No.11174215 [View]
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UFO's are real (U.S. guberment admited it) and have massive scientific implications. The only remaining question is whether they are terrestrial, extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, extradimensional, or a mixture of all. Discuss.
Relavant links.
>Popular Mechanics article admitting UFO's are not of serious scientific interest
>Dr Michio Kaku stating "the burden of proof is now on the government to prove UFO's are not aliens".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxWFQ1Y457E [Embed]
>6th man on the moon, Edgar Mitchell, on UFO's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeBtSnRGSus [Embed]
>Astronaut Gordon Cooper, the first American to spend 24 hours in space on UFO's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvPR8T1o3Dc [Embed]
>Ex-Head of AATIP (secret pentagon UFO study) confirming U.S. government has UFO material
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_iR41-c5OA [Embed]
>Iran intruded upon for over a decade by a mach 10+ craft, that could fly into space and hover over its instalations
>Main scientific advisor and UFO skeptic of the biggest u.s. government UFO study, project bluebook, J. Allen. Hynek, who became a believer in UFO's, after a decade of trying to debunk them.
>Interview with the main "Tic-Tac" UFO witness from the 2004 West coast U.S. Nimitz incident, Cmdr David Fravor.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eco2s3-0zsQ&t [Embed]
>Billionaire, Robert Bigelow, admitting UFO's are real and that they are here.

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