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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15055630 [View]
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Protestants and jesuits are not christians. Worshipping the snake who offered the fruit of knowledge, being arrogant enough to believe themselves capable of understanding the laws of the universe is prideful and mad.

>> No.14871405 [View]
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Galileo the freemason deserved punishment for his lies and crimes.

>> No.14871051 [View]
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Maths is just a language inferior to english in every way(2000 can be replaced by two thousands, but important words like "love" and "compassion" do not exist in maths), trusting it is stupid, I am just laughing at you arrogant soientists.

>> No.14851662 [DELETED]  [View]
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Objectivity cannot exist for mere humans. Unfortunately a bunch of arrogant suckers managed to convince mankind that science(bunch of humbug coming from their sick mind) is reality and that science is objective when it is the most subjective thing there is.

>> No.14833324 [DELETED]  [View]
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Science is the property of Satan, scientists worship the snake who gave Adam and Eve the fruit of knowledge(aka the fruit of science).
Flat earth is 100% true
if you look into the claims of the Bible seriously you find out they're all true
Dinosaurs are fake, globe is fake, space is fake, evolution is fake (not enough time macroevolution never observed), life arising out of nothing is fake, earth and nature obviously designed by a creator (total solar eclipse is his signature). Jesus has verifiable historicity. Roman sources depict resurrection. Jesus' resurrection is accepted as historically true by skeptical resurrection scholars.

The thirst for knowledge is a sin, just like the lust for power, the craving of money and riches.

>> No.14833178 [View]
File: 196 KB, 858x960, 11015211_10154005253418298_7210128955838251997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Science" is bottom tier.
Theology and revisionism is top tier.

Flat earth is 100% true
if you look into the claims of the Bible seriously you find out they're all true
Dinosaurs are fake, globe is fake, space is fake, evolution is fake (not enough time macroevolution never observed), life arising out of nothing is fake, earth and nature obviously designed by a creator (total solar eclipse is his signature). Jesus has verifiable historicity. Roman sources depict resurrection. Jesus' resurrection is accepted as historically true by skeptical resurrection scholars.

So most of physics and biology is garbage, maths is an inferior language to English as well so you should just stop doing science.

>> No.14828079 [DELETED]  [View]
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Flat earth is 100% true
if you look into the claims of the Bible seriously you find out they're all true
Dinosaurs are fake, globe is fake, space is fake, evolution is fake (not enough time macroevolution never observed), life arising out of nothing is fake, earth and nature obviously designed by a creator (total solar eclipse is his signature). Jesus has verifiable historicity. Roman sources depict resurrection. Jesus' resurrection is accepted as historically true by skeptical resurrection scholars.

The Church was right in condemning Galileo the freemason.

>> No.14827179 [DELETED]  [View]
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Science progressively turns you into an abnormal monster who thinks machines, transhumanism is above mankind, that a child's worth is only equal that to a number of dollars(mathematics does that to your brain).
Scientists and mathematicians are far more likely to be pedophiles, just like most overeducated people.

In scientism, truth and value are quite literally in numbers. "Many people believe X." "The consensus is X." "My colleagues agree." "There are a number of books on the subject." "I have received no complaints." "There is much support." Truth is by popular vote. The more Nature does it, the more right it is. It is the authority of DNA - the authority of the tradition of Nature itself. For the adherents of scientism, numbers represent the only real value, and these become the very substance of their life.

>People become numbers. The numbers become their horizon - their all. They are just copies.
- Kierkegaard

If you explain to these numerous fellows that they are constantly, in every waking moment, appealing to the fallacy of the number, you are wasting your breath, because they don't know anything except the number. They cannot hear you, because existence requires contrast. And for this same reason such people don't exist as individuals. They have no self, and no soul, since the soul is precisely the self, and is the genius in man.

Samuel Butler accurately describes this soulless culture - the culture of the number - in his novel Erewhon, when he visits the hallowed "Colleges of Unreason".

>"It is not our business," he said, "to help students to think for themselves. Surely this is the very last thing which one who wishes them well should encourage them to do. . . ." In some respects, however, he was thought to hold somewhat radical opinions, for he was President of the Society for the Suppression of Useless Knowledge, and for the Completer Obliteration of the Past.

>> No.14825012 [View]
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How do we know that the law of physics(made up humbug coming from the mind of arrogant people claiming they understand the universe) are actually true?

>> No.14822517 [DELETED]  [View]
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Soientists have managed to trick mankind into believing their "theories" are reality(in truth their theories come from Satan, made up abstract garbage, with no real proof. Science is axiomatic and is a cult and worship of Lucifer, the snake who gave Adam and Eve the fruit of knowledge. Soientists do not even realize their diplomas and "knowledge" is turning them into insufferable, egotistical garbage).

Evil wants nothing but to destroy and ruin God's creation, most scientists are either useful idiots among the lower ranked or criminal scum among the higher ranked ones.

>> No.14822352 [DELETED]  [View]
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Man created integers, and arrogant mathematicians who have deluded themselves into believing they were gods then dared claiming integers, a man made kabbalistic garbage, comes from God.
The only truth comes from the Bible, not from mathematical abstract garbage.
Maths is devoid of love. It is cold, harsh, and devoid of feelings. Yet Jesus is love. That is how one knows maths is satanic and serves to lead man astray.

>> No.14820513 [View]
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Yes, maths is a language inferior to English.
6 means six in English.
> means superior to in English.
Yet Jesus means ??? in maths,
love means ??? in maths.
Anything in maths can be replaced by English, the opposite is impossible.

>> No.14798179 [DELETED]  [View]
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Science is the property of Satan.

>> No.14744716 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Learning from Solomon and his jewish kabballah, that very man who fell from grace and started worshipping idols instead of God is the truth we should all strive for!

>> No.14724664 [View]
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For the scientist, the serpent who gave the fruit of knowledge to Adam and Eve is the "good guy", a total inversion of what good and evil is.
Scientists have fallen and become the most insufferable and foolish kind of men thanks to their own ego and pride, thinking they are just way too smart not to grasp the laws of the universe and reality.

>> No.14722850 [View]
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>> No.14716477 [View]
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>> No.14715866 [View]
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Sure thing luciferian maths and number worshipper.

>> No.14715857 [DELETED]  [View]
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In scientism, truth and value are quite literally in numbers. "Many people believe X." "The consensus is X." "My colleagues agree." "There are a number of books on the subject." "I have received no complaints." "There is much support." Truth is by popular vote. The more Nature does it, the more right it is. It is the authority of DNA - the authority of the tradition of Nature itself. And whereas in ordinary religion the logical fallacy of choice is the appeal to the authority of some holy book, in scientism it is the appeal to the authority of the number (argumentum ad numerum). For the adherents of scientism, numbers represent the only real value, and these become the very substance of their life.

>People become numbers. The numbers become their horizon - their all. They are just copies.
- Kierkegaard

If you explain to these numerous fellows that they are constantly, in every waking moment, appealing to the fallacy of the number, you are wasting your breath, because they don't know anything except the number. They cannot hear you, because existence requires contrast. And for this same reason such people don't exist as individuals. They have no self, and no soul, since the soul is precisely the self, and is the genius in man.

Samuel Butler accurately describes this soulless culture - the culture of the number - in his novel Erewhon, when he visits the hallowed "Colleges of Unreason".

>"It is not our business," he said, "to help students to think for themselves. Surely this is the very last thing which one who wishes them well should encourage them to do. . . ." In some respects, however, he was thought to hold somewhat radical opinions, for he was President of the Society for the Suppression of Useless Knowledge, and for the Completer Obliteration of the Past.

>> No.14709269 [View]
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In school, people are brainwashed into believing theories, made up stuff coming from the mind of men is equal to and even superior to the reality God has created.

>> No.14706282 [View]
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Science is dead, long live Jesus Christ!

>> No.12298438 [View]
File: 197 KB, 858x960, 11015211_10154005253418298_7210128955838251997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The globe is a 600+ year jewish Freemasonic NWO plan.

Multiple generations of people involved.

Rothschilds are key to most wars - and own all fed banks in the world.

>> No.9010083 [View]
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>Level XI: The Goverment has lied to us stemming from secret societies stemming from at least Ancient Babylon to try and convice us that God isn't real, aliens are just demons and the Universe is truely as depicted in the Bible.

>> No.8995780 [View]
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>they were infiltrated by jews and now theyre in control of the sciences and all main cultural institutions

they are luciferian occultists, and most people on this board believe what they say as scientific fact.

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