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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11708994 [View]
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Races have evolved all manner of clear divergent traits after 50,000-100,000 years of separation. Some races went through severe population bottlenecks in that process (like Eurasians) which further exacerbated the genetic drift.

Blacks exhibit the worst test scoring on any given metric of intelligence (IQ, standardized testing, or otherwise), by a solid degree, and haven't put together a single 1st world level country on the planet on their own. They are the lower class of any nation they inhabit that happens to be multi-ethnic. Before European colonists arrived in Africa, Arabs and North Africans had their way with them for centuries. Then Europe easily colonized them and traded them like a commodity. They had not developed a written word, system of writing, and things like math and science may have well been Alien technology.

So you tell me why I'm supposed to believe "the other side" and just write off this enormous, clearly apparent schism as some kind of artifact of randomness or circumstance? I'd posit the the anti race realists are the insane, delusional ones, not muh poltards.

>> No.11675410 [View]
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Because the """science""" has changed dramatically over the course of the past couple of decades, is based in a soft field very vulnerable to politics, and is contradicting itself now. Transgenderism was once a mental illness but is now some kind of objective mental paradigm? I don't think so. They've simply fallen under the protective blanket of insane campus progressives, who call the shots all around. Which is why IQ has been mothballed when it comes to the study of races and people rather than individuals. These aren't contradictory things OP, in fact they're perfectly consistent: the politicization of psychology/sociology, made possible by their inherent subjectivity and lack of rigor, continues to lead to chaos in their conclusions.

>> No.3214649 [View]
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Is Medical school really as horrible as people make it out be?

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