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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16368110 [View]
File: 3.20 MB, 1276x718, Moon Astronaut Reacts to Moon Landing Deniers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor education to the younger generation
>also a lack of appeal to the younger generation
>chemicals in clothes/water/reciepts has made men less manly i.e. less curious, no desire to explore etc.
>kike propaganda/conditioning has also made the white man lazy with little ambition
>(((conspiracy theories))) like flat earth, space is fake etc. gaining popularity
>at least half the population of the west turns to modern liberalism, which gives them the beliefs that you listed
>too many niggers and women in positions of power = no powerful people with genuine drive
>scientists hate appealing to normal people (who the fuck cares about the third mercury scientific orbiter and the billionth jupiter moon probe, we want landers and real photographs, and dragonfly getting cancelled which would've helped increase normie interest)
It's a fucked time we're living in. All of these problems feed into eachother as well, making it worse. Imagine where we would be today if space exploration hadn't slowly died down after the Apollo program.

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